So as the whistle blower in this whole Hunter Biden took the stand in congress today July 20th 2023 one Ms Lee decided to turn a "NON Race" case into a chance to show how racist and stupid she is. With one swift clip she not just exposed herself as an idiot but also Joe Biden as being guilty of putting black men behind bars due to the same BILLS she's trying to pin on the Republicans. Now this is the 94 Bill signed by Democrat Bill Clinton, and put together with JOE BIDEN. Her career is over! This is for her.. Political suicide.
Check out this video folks and let me know what you think in the comment section. This is from the show I got for this Sunday on my Podcast which will be on my media outlets soon as it's ready to roll as we're not doing it live just yet but the shows will be on the podcasts on Sunday nights.
Found by the one and only our own Gary Leggiere better known as “The Mad Martian!” or the “Mars Revealer” as we like better… He’s been in the front lines finding all sorts of amazing things on the red planet that NASA doesn’t want you knowing about for years now.
Make sure you look at these pictures carefully and tell us what you see in the comment section.
“I HAVE NAMED THIS COOL FACE OF MARS!” said Gary in his Facebook post and he’s followed that by naming it the ‘MING OF MARS’! A Good name considering if you look close you can indeed not just see facial features but a “Ming” like face with beard.
Good find if there isn’t just one structure which shows a face but dozens this has to mean something, and why our NASA has not looked closer to these sites with the hundreds of millions spent on the rovers we got up there should tell us something.
What I love here is that the face sticks out sure but look at all the odd looking features around this amazing structure. There is a lot to see here folks, and I Just wonder how much longer are we going to be made to wait before they show us close up images of these things that we the people keep finding while NASA and these crooks keep looking for “bacteria” or “water” on the Red Planet, and literally using our tax payer money to tell us nothing.
Today I woke up and the day felt weird, odly last night I had a show talking about our future in terms of how humanity will be creators of our own path which included well a deep conversation about how the A.I (Artaficial Intelligence) would one day take over life as we know it now. And how it would be something we don’t fully get to see because we’re only here for a short period of time some of are lucky to live a 80, 100 years or a few decades some aren’t as lucky and are around for perhaps two. Worst is when they don’t make it out of the womb at all.
But as my show had a great turn out listener count wise and as we were having this conversation my good friend of over a decade Dennis Crenshaw was passing away.
At the time I had no idea as I just found out today... This really breaks my heart to report as he was a classy man and a hell of a great friend… I had the honor to meet him 12 years ago when I was on BlogTalkRadio and I was looking for shows to listen to and tuned into his show “Unraveling the Secrets” and was instanly taken by the great back and forth by Dennis and his co host Rick Osmon. Both men spoke about a subject I was very much into at the time. “The Hollow Earth” and so I sent in some questions via chat, and it got read on air, and a few shows later I called in, and our friendship really began. Both were very inclusive, and often would join me on my show as guest, and we got to talking about doing a show together, and well for sometime their show helped me out a lot in getting my own shows off the ground.
When we started PSN Radio shortly after I left Tenacity Radio for good, and have been on PSN since now the show they did along with FloridaUFO by Jaime Havican and myself with “Inside Tha Jackals Head” were the first shows to kick off the network. Our friendship was real, and we spoke all the time to the point we 4 started the show “Skywatchers Radio TV” which was featured as a video style show for a now site that’s offline called “peoples TV network” which did the show via LiveStream. We had a lot of fun together co hosting for a few years, and well sadly due to my health issues, and Dennis own health issues we lost contact a bit as he left the airwaves for good a few years ago when his health got real bad and he couldn’t keep up with the show anymore. His Co-Host had also left the show, and new host came in and filled the seats nice in Tim Swartz, and Mike Mott, and later for a few short weeks Dennis tried to come back with Steve Roberts to host Unraveling the Secrets and Tim & Mike moved over and started a new show so Dennis could return. That was short lived as his health once again caused him to leave, and he decided to hang it up for good.
We spoke from time to time since then, and when I had surgery on my leg in December 2019 the only people who sent me a gift to my hospital was Dennis and Marsha his lady. This is the picture below of the gift they sent, and yes I took it home, and still have a tree on it.
This is me in December 2019 in the aftermath of my surgery holding the gift…
Man I wish we had the chance to meet in person we spoke a lot on skype so it’s like I knew him in real life but it was sad because we had plans to meet and hangout in 2020 when I got better but then the god damn KungFlu virus took that chance away and now I only have memories of my friend who I’ll never get to speak to again.
Last summer during the riots, and covid outbreak I spoke to Dennis who was doing well in his new RV near his family home in Jacksonville and we were going to try and meet in person as soon as got a chance this year. We spoke in January, and again in February but I couldn’t get a hold of him since this past January. From what I’ve been told he wasn’t doing very well in the last month or so of his life. I’ve been trying for months to get to him to try and go see him but he wasn’t picking up much, and as he got more, and more ill I guess that’s why he went silent. Today his co host, and friend Rick Osmon gave me the horrible news that we lost Dennis.
Dennis was born 12/15/1943 he wrote his first book years after he started his research which took him between writing and publishing many years. His writing career spanned three decades and includes researching and writing on such eclectic subjects as community news, the paranormal, UFOs, conspiracy theories and even chicken farming in alaska. Yes folks he spoke about it all.
His work was published in magazines, mewspapers and journals from alaska to florida. He also wrote several forwards for other books including “finding lost atlantis inside the hollow earth” a 2005 re-print of brinsley le poer trench’s best selling 1979 book “Secrets of the Ages” and “Hidden World-volumn 6” by ray palmer and richard s. shaver.
Due to his research and writing on the inner earth mysteries in the 1980s and 1990s he is considered an expert on the hollow earth/subterranean worlds theories and is listed either as a source or in acknowledgement of his research in every major “hollow earth” book written since the late 1990s. In fact his 1990s fanzine “The Hollow Earth Insider Research Report” has a subscription base in all 50 states and 35 countries….
(see: ) He met Pete Navarro his co-author of “The Secrets of Dellschau” in the mid-1990s and joined him in preparing Petes extensive research notes and finally writing the book which turned into a 14 yr project.
“THE SECRETS OF DELLSCHAU: The Sonora Aero Club and the Airships of the 1800’s-A True Story” is the story of two obssessed men.
1. CAA Dellschau a reclusive “outside” artist who spent the last years of his life using every waking moment producing a series of drawings of weird and colorful flying machines he called Aeros. Today his paintings, sold individually, are worth a fortune.
2. pete Nevarro, “secrets of dellschau” co-author who spent 27 yrs studying the complete known collection of delischau’s work.
For the last few years he had started a blog where he posted often until his health got real bad and Rick Osmon did most of the posting on the site. The site is “The Hollow Earth Insider” and by clicking on the name you will find out more info on the site but the point is he continued to bring out great information for us all until his final days. My friend passed on 08/08/2021 as of today the official cause of death is heart related but somesay it could be Covid related. We’re not sure yet but he wasn’t in good health for years but if it was heart related it would be ironic for a man with such a big heart and brave soul.
He had a great sense of humor, and music he turned me onto a ton of blues music I never had heard before, and boy did he ever love of the blues… This isn’t like losing a celebrity who’s work you enjoy… Dennis was a close friend, and he left behind a wonderful family. He was a father, husband, podcaster, author, and great friend.
His Funeral will be Aug 25th 2021 at Corey-Kerlin Funeral Home and crematory in 1426 Rowe Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32208 if you would like to send flowers to his family please do so there.
Climate activist, and school dropout Greta Thunberg has now discovered the PENIS! Yes folks she now knows what a penis looks like, and well she’s worried that it might become a mutation due to climate change that men sometimes are born with smaller ones. Things that need further looking into I’m sure? But anyway good to see her time with actors like Leo DiCaprio and others have paid off as her conditioning by Hollyweird continues.