Matt Gaetz, Jamie Raskin Get In Shouting Match During Steve Bannon Debate

Jamie Raskin is a POS Political hack and moron who doesn’t let Matt speak everytime Matt talks Jamie over talks him and stops him cause he’s not giving him the answer he wants which would be lies! Jamie Raskin wants MATT to lie and join the lying train of the left, and well MATT held up like a real G to this bullying behavior, and took it to Jamie for his blatant lies, and corrupt behavior and yes folks me ANGEL ESPINO is telling you that Jami Raskin is a fucking asshole who needs to be held in contempt and sent to GITMO with the rest of the DemoncRATS. Come at me Jamie and take me to congress I’d love to sit there and call all these losers on the left out one by one for the American people who are being silenced, suppressed, victimized, and used by the left for their agenda.

Jamie used the “blah blah blah” from Greta Thunberg so this moron gets his talking points from a child with mental issues? WOW Talk about a failed human being. Jamie needs to get Covid and vanish off the earth people like him are a waste of oxygen.

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