Saturday, July 17, 2021

Shaun King appears to have deactivated Twitter

So this guy! Should I say Fraud Writer wannabe activist, race baiting P.O.S Shaun King appears to have either self deactivated his Twitter account or he was finally removed from the platform by the Twitter dictators themselves? All I know is there is an overwhelming growing support for his being removed, and I for one think this guy without a doubt should be removed unlike Trump! Shaun King is a racist, and domestic terrorist, and to give that POS any allowed platform to spew his lies, and bullshit is horrible. Now it is hilarious that people are reacting like this!

While I love freedom of speech if you’re going to remove Trump with false claims you can’t keep actual racist, and terrorists on your platform. They honestly shouldn’t ban either one if you want a true free platform. But that’s not what twitter is, and we all know it as it’s become clear that they’re nothing but a leftist agenda pushing platform like Fakebook, and other platforms which cater to only one sided ideas, and points of view. Sadly these tend to reside with mostly Communist/Marxist/Socialist ideology.

He made DEATH THREATS on Twitter and he was NOT banned! Trump didn’t say anything close to as bad at anytime in his life and he was banned… Why? Because he was a WHITE Republican President… Twitter is as bad as Shaun King… #Facts
Hell has a special place for garbage like you Shaun…

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