Showing posts with label Bernie Sanders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bernie Sanders. Show all posts

Friday, May 8, 2020

Proposal to give $2,000 per month to Americans gains traction in Senate

So a group of Senate Democrats unveiled a proposal on Friday that would give most Americans a monthly payment of $2,000 until the coronavirus pandemic begins to fade which could be months folks, and some indicate might even be until 2022 when the virus might be done with.

Similar to a House bill proposed in mid-April, the senators called for $2,000 cash payments to every American who earns less than $120,000. it would expand to $4,000 for married couples and also provided an extra $2,000 for each child up to three… The bill brought forth by Sens. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Ed Markey, D-Mass., released the so-called Monthly Economic Support Act that would dramatically expand the one-time stimulus payments of $1,200 sent to most Americans as part of the massive relief package signed at the end of March.

The plan would be retroactive to March. Monthly payments would last until three months after the Health and Human Services Department has declared the public health emergency over, also this would bar debtors from collecting any of the money for repayments and would deliver the cash regardless of whether people have a Social Security number or filed taxes last year. This doesn’t sit well with me in that it should only go to people with social security numbers who are lgal citizens, and not anyone whose anyone because what’s to stop illegals from taking advantage of this money? This would BREAK our economy beyond repair. I think it’s fine to give the hand out to our actual Citizens in need but people here ilegally?

“The one-time $1,200 check that many Americans recently received is not nearly enough to pay the rent, put food on the table and make ends meet,” Sanders, a two-time Democratic presidential candidate, said in a statement. “During this unprecedented crisis, Congress has a responsibility to make sure that every working-class household in America receives a $2,000 emergency payment a month for each family member.” He’s telling the truth and while Nasty Nancy Pelosi is on video bragging about her 24k of ICE Cream people are going to soon start dying not of Covid-19 but from not being able to have enough money to buy food.

The crisis has walloped the world financially and we all need to scale down on how we live, and we need to all understand that this is now a different world, and each country needs to right now take care of it’s citizens in a way that helps society while those who can work should work, and in opening the doors to a lot of these stores giving people the extra help wont stop them from working if anything it will create a nice incentive as they will now have not just the income from work but help from the government.

So let’s check out whats really happening folks… This guy on YouTube does a fine job of picking a part the money being handed out.

To be honest they should have this given to all Citizens per month period, and this was one of the few things I agreed with as an idea when once “YANG GANG” lead member Andrew Yang spoke about giving every American $1,000 back last year. Now in the six weeks since the majority of the country shut down to mitigate the spread of the virus, more than 30 million workers have lost their jobs. Unemployment at this scale hasn’t been recorded since the Great Depression, when the jobless rate peaked at 25 percent.

An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll released Wednesday revealed that 50 percent of Americans said they or someone in their household has either lost a job or had their hours reduced as a result of the virus outbreak. That is up from 18 percent a month ago. The plan resembles a proposal introduced in mid-April by Democratic Reps. Ro Khanna and Tim Ryan. The Emergency Money for People Act would distribute $2,000 cash payments to every American age 16 or older who earns less than $130,000 annually. Families with children would receive $500 per child for up to three children.

The virus is real but being overblown by the liberals to keep giving money away to big companies notice they sent out only a 1 time $1,200 check to people in need but gave away TRILLIONS to big companies worth BILLIONS and wouldn’t cave in the presidents demands on giving people direct money!? Remember his idea was to send out stimulus checks to help us the people, and smaller companies but Pelosi and the lobbyists behind her wouldn’t cave in when they wanted funding for the “Greedy New Deal” which would have cost over 6Trillion on the first bill? The stimulus money was a very minor part of the 2Trillion they ended up passing. Not even a dent in that money. This is why the President wants to re open he knows the major push by the left is all b/s and he can’t come out and say it cause he has to look bipartisan and he can’t be the one who stops giving out money during election year.

So he had to fork over to some of the demands to get us the initial check which is why Nancy Pelosi caved in on most her demanded money. NOW they’re waiving $2000 a month which hey send it to us but why are you funding major BILLION dollar companies? They have the money to hold off this virus. Amazon don’t need your money, Walgreens, Walmart, Target these major outlets don’t need gov help. Neither do fast food places that remained open why are they getting any money? And some of the companies that closed down got money to be able to pay employees but yet they laid them off anyway told them to collect the stimulus money they would be using their money for internal bills. Which includes the owners own personal bills. This isn’t why they were sent the money from the federal government. The money was to keep many workers employees and as we see with the unemployment numbers these companies aren’t doing that.

They should ONLY give out stimulus checks to citizens of the country who are out of work, and can’t get work at the moment cause “disability, jobs they do are legit out of business or people whose income last few years failed to hit 75-100k a year is fair… But if you’re earning over 100k every year and this just happened I’m sure you can sustain a few months without much issue. Like say big name movie stars with Millions in the bank, and people on tv like Ellen Degenerate or the alphabet head RuPaul, and shows on major networks with talking heads like Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, Rachel Madcow who are still doing shows SHOULD NOT get money hand outs. They got millions… Or and so called reporters like the ever lying Jim Acosta… This is what that communist should get.

If you’re a millionaire you don’t need a stimulus check period.

Oh, and Rosie O’Donnell gets NOTHING! Maybe a dumpster fire set in front of her house.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Cadi & The Bern! Two clowns on facetime!

So I was on FakeBook aka Mark Zuckerberg’s gift to the social media junkies who don’t mind him selling all our info to the powers who run the world for his own profit, and allow his site to get full of spyware that he can sell over to the highest bidders like people China for hearts, and livers. You know it’s all a game for money, and these people are evil. But enough about FACEBOOK now let’s look at this dumb blue hair twit here that got her video on FB chatting with Bernie Sanders of all people. Miami Rapper Trick Daddy posted the video below, and I went ape shit on there schooling people at how stupid not only she is but all her followers are, and I screenshot my posts in case they get deleted.

Cardi B on live with Bernie Sanders tonight

Posted by Trick Daddy on Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Here is the YouTube of this incredibly dumb woman, and the evil communist Bernie Sanders… Incredible how stupid this chick is.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Feel the BERN! As we say bye to another communist A-Hole

In a move we all saw coming like the end of the 1999 movie by James Cameron Titanic! Senator Bernie Sanders, the communist Democrat from Vermont, ends his presidential bid today. Sanders says former Vice President Joe Biden will be the party nominee. Well no shit sherlock!

Oh, and Biden stands no chance of winning either…. I’d like for him to talk about his sexual assault charge from 1993 tho publically. Can anyone in the media bring that up? Why do I think I’m going to be hearing crickets on that from the Media!?? Anyway here is the video below enjoy the laugh as he of course takes a shot at Trump, and says more lies about the President. He also goes on, and on about smoking grass, and listening to the roots or some TREE hugging hippie communist crap. Either way this old fart is now out. 1 more to go, Quid Pro JOE “turn around your facing the wrong way dork the crowd is in front not back of you, and don’t fight with your voters you fool” Biden. Who never saw a supporter he didn’t want to punch in the face for the Malarkey of wanting to vote for him. Such malarkey!

Anyway enjoy this old POS here on video telling his 22 supporters that his time in this run is done, and (like he had a shot!) he will be now moving out of the bid for good. How nice we’re in a crisis, and he still we care about him or Biden trying to steal an election from each other, and then the real President Donald Trump. LMAO!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

People who complain about Trump! LMAO!

Joe Biden had a “virtual town hall” Friday and one which wasn’t even supposed to take place online. Earlier this week, the last two major Democratic primary candidates, Biden and Bernie Sanders, were forced to cancel some campaign events because of the coronavirus pandemic spread.

State officials across the country started banning large gatherings, like rallies, for fear of spreading the disease. Still, rallies remain an important part of any presidential campaign, and Biden’s team tried to mitigate the threat by hosting a public Zoom call for supporters to join and ask questions. Fortunately, it completely missed the mark… Which makes for hilariously nuts Joe to give us another mental gaffe!

The Zoom call was plagued with technical problems from the start sure but let’s face it Joe and his lack of mental health is the first problem, it began over three hours late. I think Joe forgot that he had the Town Hall and when he lost at BINGO he finally was told he was to go to this other thing, and he leaped to his feet and went off, and once Biden did start speaking, his staff had to restart his entire speech because there was no audio, fading his campaign logo in and back out again to signify that they were redoing the address.

As he started reading off his prepared remarks again, Biden’s audio was suddenly painful to hear and impossible to understand, at least until they replaced whatever mic he was using with a smartphone. And as it was well it went about how you’d expect it to go… Here is the video. LMAO!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Super Tuesday II: : 'Biden vs Sanders'

So it’s the 2nd Super Tuesday, and like we all knew Joe Biden is going to easily win the DNC over crazy commie Bernie… I mean once AOC endorsed Sanders I knew he was done. She’s the final nail in the Sanders Presidential Coffin. Her endorsement is as good as hearing that you have both brain, and ass cancer, and have a week to live. AOC is someone hated by just about everyone except some very stupid teenage girls who I guess have a higher IQ than she does, and it makes them feel like “if this moron can get to congress we can reach the stars!”

That’s the most positive thing I can think off when it comes to AOC sorry. But like I said when she backed Bernie I knew he was done, and doesn’t matter how many gaffe’s or mental mistakes Biden makes he’s loved by the leftist crooked media, and they will back him, and cover for him until it’s November, and Trump is re-elected. What will happen who knows. All I know is that either Sanders or Biden is bad for this country for the same reason! They’re both Leftist, Socialist/Communist. The big difference between them is Sanders still has it upstairs and isn’t having the same issues with mental laps like Biden.

But Biden is the one the media, and DemocRATS want to protect for is via his connections with evildoers around the world that he, his son, and a lot of his backers have made hundreds of Millions in illegal money trafficking. Which a large part involves our very own tax payer money. That’s what Ukraine is all about folks, and China, and all the other connections Joe and his no experience cocaine sniffing son have that they need to protect.

UPDATE: So The NOTORIOUS YANG GANG “Straight outta China” is now backing ‘Quid Pro Joe’ AKA China Joe! OR as Andrew called Him The “Prohibitive Nominee” thats right folks Andrew Yang endorsed Joe Biden on CNN on Tuesday, as Biden built on his delegate lead over Bernie Sanders with big wins in the Michigan, Missouri and Mississippi primaries. All this after almost getting into a fight with a worker in Detroit Michigan. Joe sure has the campaign skills of Freddy Krueger.

Yang said, “You can see that Biden is building a delegate lead that is only going to grow in the days ahead.” Yang’s presidential bid gained a small following known as the “Yang Gang,” but he dropped out of the race when he trailed in the New Hampshire primary. He then signed on as a special contributor on CNN. You know where all the Anti American, Anti Trump, Anti constitution Socialist/Communist end up when they lose to Trump.

Also Yang said that he gets the “frustration” of Bernie Sanders supporters, but that defeating President Donald Trump is the first priority. Yang said that he spoke to Biden last week but was not ready to endorse in the race. And we here call that being a “WINNER PICKER!”

LMAO! Checkout the fallout from Super Tuesday II: The Secret of the OOZE!

Friday, January 31, 2020

Joe Rogan Responds to Bernie Sanders Endorsement Controversy

Joe Rogan Responds to Bernie Sanders Endorsement Controversy on his show, and he’s got a lot to talk about as the media has doubled down hard on him since he endorsed the BERN.

Well what do you know JOE! You get in bed with one of the devils, and the left berns…. burns you too. See the left hates themselves as much as they hate Trump from the looks of it. The country is divided because the left which sadly you adhere to is fucking nuts.

Sanders is a moron, and socialist, and just because he’s been consistent in being that for decades doesn’t make his idiotic idology right…. Socialism, Communism has never worked, and will never work. You have the Freedoms you do Joe because you’re not living in one of those countries, and to support, endorse or even come close to being in favor off these ideologies is not just wrong! It’s down right stupid. But you yourself in this video say your dumb…. lol I find this hilarious.

This is Karma for what you did to Bill Birnes… LOL You and people whose name sound like “BURN” but not spelled like that have bad history Joe.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Bernie Sanders feels the burn in the heart, and undergoes procedure...

Bernie Sanders off campaign trail ‘until further notice’ after artery blockage! Sanders, 78, was hospitalized with chest pain in Las Vegas, Nevada NOW I don’t wish death on anyone but this is health related, and nearing 80 he’s not getting younger, and he’s in bad health? Can’t be president sorry this is a wrap for his run, and im my opinion this is good news for the country, and the people who don’t want this derange old socialist in office. With that said I don’t wish death on him just for him to go away, and be a bitter old man somewhere that he can’t harm our country.

He had two stents inserted to treat a blocked artery after experiencing “chest discomfort” at a campaign event on Tuesday. His senior adviser said Sanders’ forthcoming events and appearances are canceled “until further notice.”

I’m calling it now tho! This is all a set up, and he’s fine. Why hoax this? So Hillary Clinton could take his place, and run on his ticket, and once again she would have taken his run for office from him. IF That happened you read it from me first folks.