Thursday, February 27, 2020

NASA Captures Footage Of UFO On Space Station Live Feed

So NASA has a YouTube channel which hosts a live feed from the International Space Station. Recently, the astronauts on the ISS were doing some routine maintenance on the station but as the camera rolled, a pine cone shaped metallic object moved past the space station before turning upward and shooting off into space.

Scott C. Waring, the founder of UFO Sightings Daily, was the one who first spotted the unidentified flying object, and he posted a video showing exactly where it was and what it looks like and I quote, “I was watching the NASA live space station cam when I noticed the camera zooming in on a strange object coming from below the space station. At first I thought it was a capsule or satellite, but its speed increased, and after 22 minutes it shot up and into deep space.

I believed if it was a capsule it would have gone into low earth orbit then lower to land, but when this object shot upward into deep space, it literally blew my mind. This could be USAF top-secret alien tech fused craft, but I don’t think so, the person on the camera seemed dismayed and unprepared for its sudden appearance.”

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