Showing posts with label Global Warming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global Warming. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Greta Thunberg joke-tweets that worry over smaller penises...

Climate activist, and school dropout Greta Thunberg has now discovered the PENIS! Yes folks she now knows what a penis looks like, and well she’s worried that it might become a mutation due to climate change that men sometimes are born with smaller ones. Things that need further looking into I’m sure? But anyway good to see her time with actors like Leo DiCaprio and others have paid off as her conditioning by Hollyweird continues.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Greta Thunberg Took A Selfie With Severn Cullis-Suzuki "How dare you?"

Greta Thunberg Took A Selfie With Severn Cullis-Suzuki & It’s Being Called “Iconic” … I call it “Lame” It’s 2 dumb girls full of miss information. Thunberg is in B.C. to take part in Canada’s climate strikes. Which is costing money, and resources so instead of being in school it’s just another busy week for 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg, as she joined thousands of climate marching idiots in Vancouver on Friday. After spending several weeks striking with Canadians all over the country, Thunberg has finally met Severn Cullis-Suzuki, one of Canada’s leading environmental activists, and the Greta Thunberg and Severn Cullis-Suzuki selfie is being called “iconic.”

Friday afternoon, another massive climate strike took over the streets of Vancouver, led by climate activist and face of the school strike movement, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg. After delivering a powerful speech condemning the world’s political leaders, Thunberg was joined by B.C. climate activist, Severn Cullis-Suzuki, who is probably one of the few people who can truly relate to Thunberg’s unbelievable rise to global prominence.

More than two decades ago, then-12-year-old Cullis-Suzuki stood in front of the world’s politicians, and asked them to take stronger action to prevent species extinction and global warming. Like Thunberg, her 1992 speech at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro captured the attention of millions, and she became known as “the girl who silenced the world for five minutes.” She was Greta before Greta was swimming crazy in her dads balls… 27 years later, Thunberg and now-39-year-old Cullis-Suzuki joined one another in Vancouver, continuing to protest the government’s inaction to prevent the climate crisis. And so far most don’t give a shit.

While the world’s politicians didn’t act on Cullis-Suzuki’s words, Canadians have proved that they haven’t forgotten the climate crisis superstar, and the Cullis-Suzuki/Thunberg selfie is getting all the love on the internet.

Taking to Instagram to share a photo of the two climate crisis champions, Thunberg wrote, “School strike week 62 Vancouver, BC. With Severn Cullis-Suzuki! Police say 15,000 people.” Cullis-Suzuki reposted the same photo to her own Instagram account, and it received a lot of love from people across the globe.

Responding to Thunberg’s post on Instagram, Canadian National Geographic photographer, Paul Nicklen wrote, “Two icons!!!” Than someone slapped him for being a moron. Well they should have anyway… Another Instagram user shared a similar comment on Thunberg’s photo, writing, “This. Picture. Is. Iconic.” After Thunberg reposted the same photo to her Twitter account, one person responded to say, “Wonderful To See You With Severn There Greta…! Two Inspirational Leaders…..Sending You Continued Support Over From The UK…”

Yes folks mental illness is a world wide issue…

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Top 10 Reasons Why Greta Thunberg Is a Fraud

Here are some of the top reasons why Greta Thunberg is a pawn and a fraud, manufactured by PR firms and used by an army of globalist climate change alarmists that seek to gain more financial and political control. They are creating an apocalyptic cult obsessed with the end of the world.

Video by: Red ICE
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