Showing posts with label 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2020. Show all posts

Friday, October 27, 2023

The Judge in NY case who fined Trump $15,000 gets an earful!

Trump attacks back the crooked judge in NY fake fraud case who fined him $15,000 for speaking in public and defending himself as the left sling lies, and JOE BIDEN keeps using his White House and administration to target Trump the main rival the liberals all have as the majority of the country has now become TRUMP supporters and the left is in full panic mode.

The deomocrats ships started to crumble with people months ago even with themselves helping to cover the bad deeds they do. Like the one time Jamaal Bowman pulled a fire alarm in the Cannon House Office Building to stop the House that was scheduled to vote on a government funding bill, an incident the New York Democrat said was an "accident." IF That was any Republican like Trump or someone who supported him well the news coverage would have been insane and the liberal left would try to have him jailed for the rest of time.

This is why people know the left has it fixed! He did something which the left claims is part of what Trump did in Jan 6th. He "stopped or delayed a vote in congress." But yet why hasna't Jamaal been officially charged you ask? Again the left covers up the bad things they do and attack anything the right does. At this point Trump can't fart without having charges brought against him for "Climate Warming" or some crazy shit... (Puns intended...) So the former President on Thursday railed against the judge who will deliver verdicts in his $250 million New York fraud trial, one day after storming out of the courtroom in the middle of witness testimony.

Trump’s posted on Truth Social followed a dramatic trial day in which Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron put Trump on the witness stand, fined him $10,000 for violating his gag order and shot down a request for a sweeping verdict in his favor. The latest attacks against the rights under the constitution of Trump has become so clear, and he being such a prolific social media user knows how to tell his supporters the truth while these leftists corrupt people keep trying to bring these charges without a victim or actual real crime to jail an innocent man because they fear he will win in 2024 and return to the oval office. So turning to the court of public opinion to fight his mounting legal challenges Trump uses social media, and the people stand with him. The liberals are scared and the Judge in this case is trying hard to silence him.

So the judge is trying to silence him with a gag order in two separate cases, including special counsel Jack Smith’s federal case charging Trump with conspiring to subvert his loss to President Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election. Something that "Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams" are both guilty off but it's Trump who gets charges against him? By the way why hasn't Sniffing JOE Biden, and Hillary Clinton not been charged for having Documents in their possesion when they did not have the legal rights to take home? While in Florida here it's another case Trump faces.

You see the complete hypocrisy here? But back to the NY case, Trump is prohibited from publicly targeting Smith or potential witnesses, both of whom he has frequently referenced online and on the campaign trail. When those restrictions were temporarily paused last week, Trump fired off attacks against both the special counsel and his former White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, a witness in Smith’s case. So the left can smear him and say all they want but if he defends himself "GAG ORDER & FINED!" Again.. You see the complete hypocrisy here?

In the New York civil fraud case, Engoron already ruled twice that Trump violated his narrow gag order, which merely bars him from attacking the judge’s staff. Upon finding that Trump’s testimony rang “hollow and untrue,” Engoron has now fined him a total of $15,000. The judge has warned Trump that additional violations will yield much more severe sanctions — including possible imprisonment.

With his targets narrowing, Trump’s attacks appear to be intensifying. The least four lengthy social media posts on Thursday, Trump ripped Engoron as a “tyrannical and unhinged” and “fully biased Trump Hater” who “should be ashamed of himself” for his handling of the case. We all know this to be true so for saying "THE TRUTH" he's fined, and gaged? Welcome to the new America were is you tell the truth you get this. Now remember this is NOT A Jury case. So there is not one member of any Jury that potentially could be tainted. This is about Trump getting his known facts to the public and speaking about how unfair this trial and Judge has been.

“HE HAS GONE CRAZY IN HIS HATRED OF ‘TRUMP,’” wrote the former president, who also railed against New York Attorney General Letitia James, his ex-attorney Michael Cohen and a New York Times reporter. She who should be disbarred as the lied to the American people when she said she did not "run to get Trump" and now we have video showing her actually doing that. Showing what a liar she is... But if Trump points this out! OMG He's fined... Amazing!

They now are saying Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign is trying to capitalize on the case by criticizing it in multiple fundraising pleas as a “sham trial” led by a “Democrat judge” who “continues to harass” Trump. Engoron has already found Trump and other defendants liable for as he claimed "fraudulently inflating the values of real estate properties and key assets" a total b/s charge. This is like if you're selling your home or car and you ask a certain amount for it and the buyer comes back with a counter offer. 

You negotiate until both agree on a final number. The same principle is what Trump is accused off.. But this is about the value he claims on his properties right? He entered an amount the banks have a thing called "Adjusters" and they came out evaluated the properties and Trump agreed. He paid them all in time and everyone won. No victim the banks are happy with the deal.

So they want to destroy him over negotiating a good deal? OMG... Welcome to NAZI Germany folks. So for years of financial statements James brought the case, accusing Trump, his two adult sons, the Trump Organization and top executives of falsifying those asset values for a host of financial perks, including tax benefits and more favorable loan terms.

The trial, which is scheduled to last until late December, will resolve six other claims in James’ lawsuit. Engoron himself will deliver verdicts in the trial, which is being conducted without a jury again a fact Trump frequently protests on social media and at the courthouse. Rightfully so as the Judge and DA all have him "Guilty" without the possiblity of using facts and throwing this case out. A case which should have never been brought forward as this is beyond stupid and a clear case of election interference. By lying crooked people.

“He is a judge that found me GUILTY before the trial even started,” Trump said of Engoron in his social media screed Thursday. The posts also called Engoron a “Radical Left Judge” and claimed that he is ignoring a prior appeals court ruling “overturning” his decisions. A New York appeals court panel last month had cleared the trial to begin, denying Trump’s request to delay it. Engoron had imposed a narrow gag order on Trump on the second day of the trial, after Trump sent a Truth Social post attacking the judge’s law clerk, Allison Greenfield, who sits next to him in court.

About two weeks later, the judge found that Trump violated that gag order by failing to remove the post from his campaign website. Engoron fined Trump $5,000 in that instance and warned him that future violations would yield more severe sanctions, potentially including imprisonment.

During a break in the trial Wednesday, Trump complained to reporters outside the courtroom, “This judge is a very partisan judge with a person who’s very partisan sitting alongside him, perhaps even more partisan than he is.” After hearing about those remarks, Engoron briefly called Trump to the witness stand to explain himself. Trump said that he was referring to Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal lawyer, who had been testifying throughout the trial day. But Engoron found that answer unconvincing, and he fined Trump $10,000. “Don’t do it again or it will be worse,” Engoron warned in court.

In his written order Thursday morning, Engoron ruled that Trump intentionally violated the gag order. He noted that Cohen was sitting in the witness box, not alongside him, and said that Trump’s past attacks on Cohen have been less ambiguous. “Using imprecise language as an excuse to create plausible ambiguity about whether defendant violated this Court’s unequivocal gag order is not a defense; the subject of Donald Trump’s public statement to the press was unmistakably clear,” the judge wrote. The clash over the gag order was not the only contentious moment in the trial on Wednesday.

Defense lawyer Cliff Robert had asked for a directed verdict after Cohen, Trump’s once-loyal aide who is now a key witness against him, testified that he did not recall if Trump had asked him to inflate the values of his assets. Engoron denied the request, prompting Trump to get up and leave.

Cohen later clarified that while Trump speaks in indirect ways like a “mob boss,” he did communicate the outcome he wanted, according to NBC News. Engoron rejected another request for a directed verdict later in the day, telling Robert, “there’s enough evidence in this case to fill the courtroom.” On social media, Trump complained, “The unhinged Judge, a highly political and fully biased Trump Hater, refused to dismiss this HOAX of a case, and has lost all CREDIBILITY.”

Saturday, July 17, 2021

BREAKING: The Arizona audit results released

Americans now can see for themselves what the rest of us knew coming into these audits but now as we watched with bated breath Thursday as the Arizona audit results were released in a legislative hearing one of the auditors, Ben Cotton, dropped perhaps what is the biggest bombshell of the Maricopa County audit, revealing that election systems’ security was so bad it could have been hacked in a matter of minutes.

At the hearing, Cotton briefed the Senate leaders on evidence showing the registration server was breached. “We know through public record, public statements, that an element of the election system was actually compromised or breached during the course of the November 2020 election,” he said.

“The registration server that was public-facing did have unauthorized access to that in cybersecurity terms, it was breached. We know that the county has accepted that as an unauthorized breach because they actually issued a letter to a small subset of the voters who were affected by that breach.”

Let’s not forget this footage guys…

Cotton went on to explain that these breaches could have been due to severe cybersecurity problems such as failure to perform basic maintenance. According to Cotton, the election systems’ anti-virus software has not been updated since the Dominion software was first installed. That was in August 2019 5 months before the election. But wait if these machines were not hooked up to the internet, and were not hackable as said by the lying owners of them why would they need anti virus software?

“What that creates is a tremendous vulnerability to anyone who could get access through a system,” Cotton said. “If someone accessed that system, they would have no difficulty at all effectively penetrating and gaining system-level access at the current pap state and antivirus state of these systems.” Cotton is basically letting the American people know election officials thought their votes were so worthless that they did not even warrant an update of the software.

Your computer’s malware system most likely updates weekly, but the systems responsible for upholding our democracy have not had an update in two years, Cotton explained. And this folks is a major problem, and yes these machines were online, and yes the owners lied to the congress, and to the American people! The owners of Dominion voting machines were all in on The Big Steal.

But that’s not even the worst news Cotton had for voters during the hearing. When state Sen. Warren Petersen asked him how long it would take a hacker to access election management software, the answer was staggering.

“The vulnerabilities that exist on these systems would take an average script kitty less than ten minutes to get access to these systems,” Cotton said. Ten minutes is all it would take for the elitist left to get into election systems and stab democracy in the heart. The public vote is the cornerstone of democracy, and this audit has found its systems corroded, creating a pathway that could have been used by insidious hackers. We may not know exactly who hacked the system or why, but it goes without saying that answering these questions must play a huge role in ensuring the integrity of our elections moving forward.