This was the official report...
Please know that we will reach out in the coming days to share how we can all honor Ms. Wallace.
Well now that finally there has been an arrest in the now 27 year old cold case of the murder of rap megastar Tupac Shakur. The person arrested as we know is Keefe D who confessed to being part of the hit and he said he handed the weapon used in the murder to his cousin Orlando Anderson. But were they paid to have pac killed? Now the claims is that P. Diddy paid for the NYC 94 hit on PAC and that money he paid was why Keefe D and his crew ended up executing PAC in 1996 after the initial attempt on his life didn't go as planned and PAC survived the 94 attempt on his life.
Now it's being said a possible copy of the check provided by P. Diddy might have leaked online? Well let's look at this video below addressing this matter further in a way that well is pretty damning on Diddy. Personally I feel Sean Combs known as Diddy had an involvement in both Tupac & Biggies murders and the shooter was Orlando Anderson and his people from the crip gang sect he belonged too. Orlando Anderson was also killed months after Tupac died. Now I've thought this since the late 90's but not until Keefe D came forward did it all start to unravel.
This video is very interesting and revealing on what could very well be 100% correct in how it ties Combs to the shootings, and well I think it's time justice comes for the BADBOY executive who indeed belongs investigated and if found guilty should be sent ironically to DEATH ROW for his crimes on both icons losing their lives. I've hated Sean Combs since I first laid eyes on him as he looks like a lying snake in my opinion.
Again if this is proven he belongs rotting in prison on Death Row...
It is unclear if Krayzie Bone's recent hospitalization is related to his condition, though member Layzie Bone did ask for prayers on Tuesday and said an update would be forthcoming.