Showing posts with label Drain the Swamp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drain the Swamp. Show all posts

🚨 DING DONG Another Witch DEAD! Dianne Feinstein kicks the bucket!

So another old member of the SWAMP is now dead and gone, and no this isn't an RIP or Rest in Peace post.. Here is how I feel about her. "Fuck her and everyone associated with her swamp creature face." And let's not forget that I hope she "burns in hell all eternity for all the bullshit she's done to California, and the people of this country for decades." Now with my feelings out of the way.

One thing comes up here talking about how corrupt this creature was. How did Dianne Feinstein vote “yea” yesterday on the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act if she was dead? Proxy vote? I’m not sure. Did her niece or daughter (whichever one had the power of attorney) vote for her? Questions I’d like answered! As this is against the law, and all could face.


Let the good times roll, this also further shows the Corruption coming from the left as we all knew for a long time that this witch Dianne Feinstein wasn't making any actual choices she was just a figure head, and face for the left to keep her seat secure for as long as they could prop up her corps and pretend to have another leftist vote they would do it.

We now need more of these swamp creatures to kick the bucket and join Dianne here in hell... Leader McConnell, Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newscum, AOC and her entire Fraud Squad of bitches, Chuck Schummer, Adam Schiff, The clintons, Obamas, and Biden all others need to go. Come on nature! Take them all to hell...

Here is some of the posts talking about this... We're living to see the swamp come unglued before our eyes here folks. PAY Close attention to this death this is bigger than anyone thinks.

On July 20, 2023, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 3935, the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act (the “Act”).  The Act is now before the U.S. Senate for review and debate.  The current version of the Act includes provisions on FAA organizational reform, increasing pilot protections, and improving airport infrastructure.  In Title VI, “Aerospace Innovation,” the Act details new requirements for unmanned aircraft systems (“UAS”), advanced air mobility (“AAM”), and commercial space launches and reentry.

Specifically, Section 652 includes a congressional mandate for the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) to publish the final rule establishing procedures for certifying powered-lift pilots and applying the operational rules to powered-lift operations within 13 months of the Act’s enactment.  In addition, Section 265 directs the FAA to update low altitude routes and flight procedures for powered-lift, requiring the Administrator to consult with powered-lift operators and “other relevant stakeholders” when crafting the revised rules.

In Title VII, “Passenger Experience Improvements,” the Act includes new requirements for family seating, seat dimensions, airplane drinking water, accessibility, and several other consumer protection provisions.

Section 726 would require, for example, that all domestic and foreign air carriers provide complementary drinking water to passengers on flights with a scheduled duration of 1 hour or more.  Further, Section 719 would require the Department of Transportation (“DOT”) to issue a notice of proposed rulemaking directing air carriers to sit young children adjacent to an accompanying adult at no additional cost.  

The House’s full version of the Act, subject to Senate amendments, approval, and debate, is available for review online.

Trump ads are both hilarious, and working

This YouTuber is 100% on the money folks!!! Watch this video. His name is Officer Brandon Tatum, and he’s got a fantastic YouTube CH.

Yes folks more, and more people are becoming really “woke” finally, and coming out talking about how Trump is going to get their vote.

I love how more once DemocRATS are now not just being vocal that Trump is getting their vote but are also exposing the crooked DemocRATS for what they have become. I’ll tell you what this guy has an amazing CH I suggest we all sub to it he deserves it… Keep watching he’s got a lot of cool videos. HATS off to him.