Showing posts with label Bill de Blasio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill de Blasio. Show all posts

Sunday, December 27, 2020

NYC restaurant owners threaten to BAN Gov Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio!

So we can all say we remember when Andrew Cuomo you know Fredo Cuomos big brother went on TV Saying Trump couldn’t walk on the NEW YORK STREETS Again? Well looks like Karma is starting to kick in folks.

Check out this quote… ‘If we can’t feed our families, we won’t feed yours’: NYC restaurants owners threaten to BAN Gov Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio from eating at their establishments if indoor dining isn’t reopened.

Yes friends some rightfully angry New York City restaurants owners have that as a new message for Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo: again… ‘If we can’t feed our families, we won’t feed yours.’ That’s the slogan of thousands of owners who are threatening to ban the politicians from eating at their establishments in response to a blanket ban on indoor dining. So no help from our crooked elected leaders, and more shutdowns? How are we supposed to survive? Oh wait they have billions for other countries, and Sri Lanka (officially the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka) needs millions to refirbish a ship. Let that sink in folks… “A Democratic Socialist Republic” but what bussiness is it of ours to spend money on a ship repair and only give out our Citizens $600 ? This is not right, and I’m happy Trump called this out.

What we need is $2000 checks to every American Citizen ONLY! Period! Nothing more… The rest is just “Green New Deal” B/s IMO! Now according to Michael Quinn, whose family runs the famous Feltman hot dogs brand in Coney Island. ‘These people need to survive and they spend thousands of dollars doing what they need to do. They’re just not going to make it,’ Quinn told Fox News

‘And it’s not about politics at this point – whether you’re left or right or conservative or Democrat. It’s economic Darwinism at this point. It’s survival of the fittest.’ Quinn argued that Cuomo’s move to close indoor dining already working only at 25 percent capacity since earlier this month flies in the face of science, given that it accounts for less than two percent of COVID-19 cases, according to data from New York state itself.

In comparison, 70 percent of cases have been linked to household gatherings, which become more frequent when indoor dining is unavailable, Quinn said. Restaurant owners have been up in arms for months about New York’s crushingly rigid and constantly shifting coronavirus restrictions which have forced countless businesses to close while others sit on the brink of closure. Quinn founded the Facebook group ‘NYC Restaurants Open’ as a forum for owners to communicate when the city went into lockdown back in March. 

Frustrations among members of the group have only continued to rise over the course of the following nine months as they scrambled to keep up with Cuomo and de Blasio’s rules by paying out of their own pockets with little help from the government.

The move to close indoor dining just as temperatures plunged came as a final straw for many, said Quinn, who voted for Cuomo and describes himself as a Liberal Democrat. He emphasized how restaurants have spent thousands of dollars on equipment to keep staff and customers safe, including new ventilation systems, barriers between tables and heaters for outdoor spaces.  

‘I think these politicians are coming up with rules without using science, without using logic, basically these restaurant owners have to be on their toes because they’ll get a ticket for something they didn’t know,’ he said. ‘This is not the right size outdoor igloo. This is not the right size ventilation system we need.’ ‘The mayor and the governor closed down indoor dining. They cost us money. We have food that goes to waste. A case of gloves costs us almost $100 depending on which gloves you’re buying, and I’m going through five boxes a day just to make sure I’m incredibly careful, to make sure my community is safe, my staff is safe,’ Fraye told Fox News. 

‘We follow every rule we can to make sure we are preventing transmission and at the same time earning a living to try to make it to next year.’ Fraye’s first location in Columbus Circle has been closed since March due to a lack of foot traffic in the area, while his second location in Chelsea remains open for takeout only. He said the Chelsea location was already suffering when the state allowed 25 percent capacity indoors earlier this fall, only to shut it down again. 

‘It was hard enough to survive with just a limited capacity,’ he said. ‘They threw us a bone and said oh, you can operate at 25 percent. That’s not enough to cover your labor, your food costs, supplies and the bag the food goes into. 

‘I used to have 15-20 employees at my old store, and I’m down to five to seven.’ Despite his grievances, Fraye said he won’t join his colleagues in banning Cuomo or de Blasio because he can’t afford to lose any business. Cuomo extended a small reprieve to restaurants where indoor dining is suspended on Tuesday by postponing the sales tax deadline until March 2021. 

But Quinn and Fraye say that gesture is too little, too late. ‘Give us something to give us a fighting chance to really stay alive,’ Fraye said. ‘When I talk to other restaurant owners and people in the business, there’s a lot of us that look each other in the eye and say: “We’re not going to be here next year.” 

‘I spoke to a bunch of people saying: “I’m just going to try to make it to the end of the year, and see if it looks like it’s going to turn a corner and get better.”

‘But now we all see that it didn’t turn a corner for the restaurant industry, it actually did an about-face and jumped off a cliff.’ Cuomo sparked renewed outrage last week when he asked the federal government to bail out New York City restaurants and claimed he was doing ‘everything he could’ for them just days after closing indoor dining. 

‘I hope Washington provides relief to restaurants. We’re doing everything we can,’ he said. His only explanation for the ban is that the rate of transmission in New York is climbing and because New York City is the most densely populated area in the state, the risk of outbreak is highest. 

But New York City currently has the second lowest test positivity rate in the state over a seven-day rolling average. As of Wednesday the rate stood at 4.7 percent, compared with 5.5 percent statewide.    

On Friday, Cuomo warned that a total shutdown – which many are fearing – is not inevitable as he pleaded with New Yorkers to stay vigilant in slowing the spread of the virus. Adding to the governor’s concerns is the emergence of a new mutant strain of coronavirus that he believes has already arrived in New York after spreading like wildfire through Britain. The new mutant strain is said to be 70 percent more infectious than what has been seen before. It has sent the UK into panic mode and has prompted more than 40 countries to cut off flights from Britain. 

Speaking on a call with reporters on Tuesday, Cuomo said he’d told hospital systems across the state to start performing the ‘complex’ test that identifies the strain. No cases of it have been identified in the US yet but Dr. Anthony Fauci and other science experts say it is only a matter of time and is probably already here. Cuomo agreed with them on Tuesday and said he wanted to weed it out. 

The warning came as the governor announced that more than 38,000 coronavirus vaccines have already been administered in New York a week after 175,000 doses from Pfizer arrived in the state. Another 346,000 doses from Moderna were expected to arrive this week. 

At least we know this about de Blasio’s Troll like daughter… She said one thing truthfull.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Bill de Blasio belongs in prison with his Troll looking daughter!

A Pro-Trump artist puts up banner depicting Bill de Blasio with Lady Liberty’s severed head as he claims the mayor has ruined NYC and hates cops. All true… The banner was placed over the Staten Island Expressway depicting Bill de Blasio holding up Lady Liberty’s severed head, as he claims the New York City Mayor is turning the Big Apple into a ‘s***hole.’

Scott LoBaido who has been painting murals for 25 years created a mock-up that shows the 59 year old politician smirking while wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt. He explained about the image that appears as if blood is dripping from the statue’s neck: ‘It’s what he’s doing to New York, he’s severing the head of the greatest city on earth.’

But as people began returned to Liberty Island and its neighboring Ellis Island to commemorate its history as a site for processing immigration from 1892 to 1954, across the water LoBaido was making his own statement over exit 13B at rush hour.

It evokes memories of the Tyler Shields image that depicted comedian Kathy Griffin holding President Trump’s decapitated head in 2017. It sparked an FBI investigation, lost her jobs and garnered her death threats. LoBaido’s anger comes from the mayor’s response the recent Black Lives Matter protests.

The mayor has opted to take $1billion of the NYPD’s $6billion funding and inject it into housing projects and youth initiatives in a bid to combat crime. Trump has threatened to bring troops onto the streets, prompting some cities to look into taking legal action against it.

Like LoBaido, de Blasio too explored his creative side recently and helped volunteers paint Black Lives Matter murals, one of which President Trump denounced and said would denigrate the luxury 5th Avenue shopping area. De Blasio responded to Trump’s tweet: ‘Black people BUILT 5th Ave and so much of this nation. Your ‘luxury’ came from THEIR labor, for which they have never been justly compensated. We are honoring them. The fact that you see it as denigrating your street is the definition of racism.’

LoBaido told the New York Post on Tuesday that the authorities built NYC. ‘New York has turned into a s***hole because of this guy,’ LoBaido said about the Manhattan-born mayor. ‘He hates the true New Yorkers: police officers, firefighters… people who built this city.’

The Black Lives Matter murals have been vandalized a number of times and de Blasio’s critics have lashed out at him because the artwork outside Trump Tower has been touched up with paint faster than various pieces of graffiti around the city that shine a negative light on police.

LoBaido did his own road mural of thin blue line outside the 122nd Precinct on Monday in support of cops as the Black Lives Matter movement draws attention to police brutality against people of color.

Within it he etched ‘DIAAH’ which stands for ‘De Blasio is an a** hole.’

Monday, June 1, 2020

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s ugly ass daughter, Chiara, arrested at Manhattan protest! HAHA!

Mayor Bill has a lot of issues! ONE of those is his daughter who’s ugly as HELL!!!!!!!!!!!! Bill de Blasio’s daughter, Chiara was arrested at Manhattan’s protest, and from the looks of it she’s an Antifa member. This explains why he’s a DemocRAT, all these fools kids belong to the ugly kids club? … I love how more, and more these morons kids exposes why they hate.

This idiots Daughter instead of being a civilized person chose to get herself arrested like a moron rioting. Great way to raise your kid there Bill… You like her both belong in jail.

The arrest came about an hour before Hizzoner told protesters it was time to “go home.”

“We appreciate and respect all peaceful protests, but now it is time for people to go home,” de Blasio said at a press conference at 11:30 p.m. at the NYC Emergency Management headquarters in Downtown Brooklyn.

“If you went out peacefully to make a point about the need for change, you have been heard and change is coming in the city. I have no doubt about that. It’s time to go home so we can all move forward.”

“It is a small number of people. It is well organized, even though many of the people are associated with the anarchist movement,” de Blasio said in a City Hall press briefing of the outside opportunists he blamed for the now-nationwide demonstrations descending into chaos.

“Some come from outside of the cities. Some are from inside the city. Some are from the neighborhoods where the protests take place. Some are not,” he continued, without detailing where the interlopers were from.

His daughter — who graduated from Santa Clara University in 2016 with plans to pursue a career in social work — was given a desk appearance ticket.