Showing posts with label Super Tuesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Super Tuesday. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Trump Speech on Super Tuesday 2024


BREAKING NEWS: Nikki Haley set to drop out tonight, and all states called so far going to Trump, Trump campaign manager Jason Miller says, "This is much bigger than Nikki Haley. This is about beating Joe Biden in the fall."

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Super Tuesday II: : 'Biden vs Sanders'

So it’s the 2nd Super Tuesday, and like we all knew Joe Biden is going to easily win the DNC over crazy commie Bernie… I mean once AOC endorsed Sanders I knew he was done. She’s the final nail in the Sanders Presidential Coffin. Her endorsement is as good as hearing that you have both brain, and ass cancer, and have a week to live. AOC is someone hated by just about everyone except some very stupid teenage girls who I guess have a higher IQ than she does, and it makes them feel like “if this moron can get to congress we can reach the stars!”

That’s the most positive thing I can think off when it comes to AOC sorry. But like I said when she backed Bernie I knew he was done, and doesn’t matter how many gaffe’s or mental mistakes Biden makes he’s loved by the leftist crooked media, and they will back him, and cover for him until it’s November, and Trump is re-elected. What will happen who knows. All I know is that either Sanders or Biden is bad for this country for the same reason! They’re both Leftist, Socialist/Communist. The big difference between them is Sanders still has it upstairs and isn’t having the same issues with mental laps like Biden.

But Biden is the one the media, and DemocRATS want to protect for is via his connections with evildoers around the world that he, his son, and a lot of his backers have made hundreds of Millions in illegal money trafficking. Which a large part involves our very own tax payer money. That’s what Ukraine is all about folks, and China, and all the other connections Joe and his no experience cocaine sniffing son have that they need to protect.

UPDATE: So The NOTORIOUS YANG GANG “Straight outta China” is now backing ‘Quid Pro Joe’ AKA China Joe! OR as Andrew called Him The “Prohibitive Nominee” thats right folks Andrew Yang endorsed Joe Biden on CNN on Tuesday, as Biden built on his delegate lead over Bernie Sanders with big wins in the Michigan, Missouri and Mississippi primaries. All this after almost getting into a fight with a worker in Detroit Michigan. Joe sure has the campaign skills of Freddy Krueger.

Yang said, “You can see that Biden is building a delegate lead that is only going to grow in the days ahead.” Yang’s presidential bid gained a small following known as the “Yang Gang,” but he dropped out of the race when he trailed in the New Hampshire primary. He then signed on as a special contributor on CNN. You know where all the Anti American, Anti Trump, Anti constitution Socialist/Communist end up when they lose to Trump.

Also Yang said that he gets the “frustration” of Bernie Sanders supporters, but that defeating President Donald Trump is the first priority. Yang said that he spoke to Biden last week but was not ready to endorse in the race. And we here call that being a “WINNER PICKER!”

LMAO! Checkout the fallout from Super Tuesday II: The Secret of the OOZE!

Monday, March 2, 2020

The Declaration Of Independence Biden Style!

Biden Forgets The Declaration Of Independence, and Speaking at a campaign rally in Texas Biden also forgot it was Super Tuesday not Super Thursday. OOps! Looks like things are not well “Inside Joe Bidens Head” lmao pun intended. Call this a “Quid Pro Joe SLip UP!”

And this is the man the left wants to be the President over Donald Trump? AM I Missing something here? This guy is lost in translation. I mean I get it he’s not as bad as Bernie Sanders but he’s not fit to be President. No matter he will beat Bernie Sanders and get the nomination on Super Tuesday, and he will lose to Trump. This I’m 100% sure about, and if he would some how beat Trump he is the perfect puppet for the left. Joe is so lost he will be used as a puppet while the interest groups which control him actually ruin, I mean run the country.

IF and when Biden wins expect him to announce someone like Mayor Pete to be his possible running mate. I really think this is why Pete ButtiGuy left the race, and instantly endorsed Biden. So there this is now my prediction cause my last name is ESPino. LMAO! Watch that video, and laugh a few times folks it’s pretty funny stuff.