‘Blue Beetle’ Director Deletes Tweet Wishing Assassination On President Donald Trump, Claims Puerto Rico Is A “Slave Colony”
So the director of the recently flopped "Blue Beetle" is a Puerto Rican guy named Ángel Manuel Soto and he recently deleted a tweet where he he hoped that President Donald Trump would be assassinated like President Abraham Lincoln. In a tweet from August 7th, 2018, Soto wrote, “The only thing I hope Trump has similar to Lincoln’s presidency is the way it ended.”
Well as we all know those who against Trump seem to have BAD LUCK find them, and this being Angel Sotos big film and it being such a major flop is his Karma coming back. He wished DEATH on Trump and his movie DIED at the box office. Sweet justice if you ask me. The movie was garbage by the way. I didn't pay to see it but did see it, and it is a horrible movie, and this director should NEVER be hired again. But this is why the WB and other companies like them are in such problems right now.
They hire woke morons who don't know reality or facts and they make these horrible movies. This guy who clearly is an idiot member of the progressive socialist movement in Hollywood, and is of the "WOKE" crowd as you can clearly see below.
As you know the studios now go OUT of the way to hire these leftists, woke people or gang to make bad movies and then tell us how great they are. Like we stupid right?
The deletion of the tweet not only came after Lofti Pixels shared it to social media, but came after Soto was criticized for including George Lopez’s “Batman is a fascist” line at the end of the Blue Beetle trailer.
YouTuber Ryan Kinel criticized the conclusion of the line saying, “At the end, the Batman is fascist. This is pandering to these stupid f***ing 20 year-old free profile picture she/them don’t know what your f***ing gender is, don’t buy comics, don’t have money to go to movies. That’s who that f***ing s**t is pandering to.”
“‘Batman is a fascist.’ F*** off with that. That’s so stupid.”
His criticism would be clipped and shared to Twitter by CBMovieFan who wrote, “George Lopez saying “Batman is a Fascist” has this mf riled up” “George Lopez” can blow hard as he's been known to hate Trump like he's responsible for all the issues in the world. But look not too long ago Lopez before he had Hollywood he had to hate Trump.
The user added, “I need more lines like that from the movie if they’re freaking out like this.” Not only did Soto previously hope for the assassination of Donald Trump, but he also claimed that Puerto Rico is a “slave colony.” Now they going to blame Trump for that also? Remember when they said Trump had NOT helped the Puerto Rican people when the hurricane hit? That was a complete lie... Check out the proof here.
He tweeted back in August 2018, “Puerto Rico is a slave colony of the USA. Your passport was impossed on us, so there is nowhere else to go afer your country shits on my land and blame us for the stink. F*** you.”

This woman said, “maybe Mr. Trump should do something about Puerto Rico’s debt, rather than just talking about it.” First off he was just elected during her making these comments which came as the new President during his press conference in San Juan, Trump cavalierly spoke about “getting rid of Puerto Rico’s debt,” which caused an anxious flurry of activity among the island’s bond-holders; in the days that have followed. The media also tried to shame Trump using a picture which shows Trump throwing paper towel rolls into the crowd while he delivered aid and supplies to Puerto Rico.
Trump does this on a lot of occasions it's his way of lightening the mood. The people in the video didn't seem to mind and were all enjoying the moment loving TRUMP! These are the people of Puerto Rico. Once again the MEDIA turned an innocent moment into a sinister one with lies, and manipulation, and the Pelosi "Wrap up Smear" for folks now seemed like TRUMP was also responsible for the bad horrible which HIT Puerto Rico according to the way the major was speaking. These leftist morons never learn, and the once like her, and the Blue Beetle director are products of Socialism, HATE, and Racist communism against the same country that they beg for when they need it.
Ironic they blame Trump and the Right yet the real reason why they're in poverty and in ruins is because they're either blind or brain washing thinking voting democrat will help them... Never does but these people never learn they just keep breeding stupid people with ZERO knowledge in politics who are brought up believing lies.
Soto appeared to beg members of the media and potential moviegoers during a Q&A session at a trailer launch. IGN reported Soto told them and other members of the media, “If you’ll help us and this movie becomes a massive f***ing hit, we’re going to see a lot of those [characters]. That’s what needs to happen.” Well while Blue Beetle is a dope comic book I'm a fan off the comics, and the main actor the movie itself was garbage, and it flopped thankfully so. This guy doesn't deserve a career as a movie director, and hope he ends up blackballed from directing and is never seen or heard from again. Time to stamp out these communist/socialist hating racists out of Hollywood.
Soto added, “If we want to see more variety and really celebrate differences, celebrate culture, celebrate other worlds because it’s fun. The lores are so spectacular. The only way is by supporting movies. Supporting a movie like this.” I'm Latino and I will never in my life support this guy and his views. While I want to see more Latino based films, and comic book characters like Blue Beetle once again I cannot endorse someone tho said the crap this guy said... Cannot do it. He belongs investigated for his words can be viewed as someone who might act out on his wishes. There are those sorts of people in the world who will do that.
Now let's compare Trump who went to PR brought goods in and didn't lie in using stories which are based on lies, and did nothing but give an initial reply of "NO COMMENT" like JOE Biden did recently to Maui. He's done NOTHING to help these people in Hawaii / Maui to help them and lied. He gave people who lost it all $700 ? C'mon man! But look at this moron below.
Joe Biden lied and tries to take credit for the work FEMA is doing which doesn't require him to DO SHIT! IN OTHER Words once again JOE BIDEN does NOTHING and takes Credit for it like he did it all himself alone. This is pure evil at it's finest... He said "NO COMMENT" after the first questions were asked of him. He went down there and spent NO TIME with people like Trump did in Puerto Rico. He took NO Supplies, and didn't hand out anything like Trump did. So who actually puts America 1st, and cares about the people? It's not Joe Biden.
The guy who speaks after Biden is speaking of claims Biden has been known to lie about! Like saying his son died in war when he did not, saying almost lost his wife, home, and corvette when it was a "small kitchen" fire. NOTHING MAJOR! Joe Biden is a moron, liar and anyone so stupid who doesn't see it is well equally as stupid.
People like the Director of Blue Beetle is one of these sorts of morons... Don't support the movie, him or the studio behind it... Time to tell these people how we the AMERICA First people feel about their lies, corruption, and the b.s they keep trying to force feed us via mass media.
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