BREAKING NEWS: Andrew Cuomo to Be Arrested Next Week For Sex Crime! 🚓

Yeah folks once again KARMA, and in all her glory shows up again for the most idiotic dickhead to ever be the GOV of New York! Yeah I’m talking about Fredo Cumos big Brother Andrew who to know shock of mines is now about to get this! Get arrested!! Well here it is folks remember he said “Trump” would need an Army to walk in NY again? Well Trump did that without an army not long ago and now this same idiot is about to become a federal number in the state pen! According to a new report from the NY Post, former New York disgraced Governor Andrew Cuomo is likely to be arrested next week after being charged with a sex crime against a former aide.

“Disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo is expected to be arrested next week and charged with a misdemeanor in the alleged groping of a former aide,” the Post reported. To be exact…

The Post was told by a source that “the anticipated charge is the result of a probe by Albany County District Attorney David Soares”

“A spokesman for the state Office of Court Administration confirmed that a misdemeanor complaint against Cuomo “has been filed in Albany City Court,” they add. I posted some tweets about this for you all to watch, and laugh as this couldn’t happen to a more disgusting person. He’s a complete shit show on to his own, and it’s about time he was taken out. The funniest part he’s become a target of the same progressive left who he helped against TRUMP! Cause once again this proves that these people will turn on each other just how the SITH apprentice one day always turns on their evil Darth masters. But honestly this couldn’t happen to a more qualified asshole unless we’re talking about Joey Crack or Hunter Biden.

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