Showing posts with label Wall Street Journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wall Street Journal. Show all posts

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters

The left keeps throwing everything at Donald Trump but the more they throw at himt he stronger he gets in the polls! And the only thing happening is how much the people love the man... Since all these made up charges he has expanded his dominating lead for the Republican presidential nomination by a wide margin. Recently in a new Wall Street Journal poll shows, as GOP primary voters overwhelmingly see his four criminal prosecutions as lacking merit and about half say the indictments fuel their support for him.

He now sits with a cool of Nearly 60% of GOP Voters which is the most of anytime he's had in anytime in the past. Also within the African American community he's gone from having got 8% voting from them in 2020 the support has grown to over 20% as JOE BIDEN keeps losing popularity big time.

GOP primary voters, up 11 percentage points since April, when the Journal tested a slightly different field of potential and declared candidates. Trump's lead over his top rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, has nearly doubled since April to 46 percentage points.

POLITICO's Ryan Lizza, 
Eugene Daniels, and Rachael Bade co-wrote recently about how the "Playbook" right now by the GOP or The conservative is keeping Trump "off the ballot" so let this sink in folks! Instead of backing the guy we all want back the GOP is somehow thinking this is a good strategy! This is like the GOP and the DNC are in co hoots vs Trump doesn't it?

But the truth is if the GOP  block Trump from running they got no chance of winning in 2024 and would not just be handing another 4 years to Biden and his real Criminal family but the country and our constitution would be completly destroyed within the next few years as no GOP would stand a chance of ever winning a fair election again. The DNC will make sure on their end while the GOP would be putting the final nail in the Republicans coffin.

This is why the entire GOP needs to get their shit together and back Donald Trump... Literally the entire party is in danger along with the country. This time they mess up and it's time to make sure we let them know how we feel during the elections. VOTE OUT RINOS is as important as voting out lunatic liberals. Or Libtards as many have labeled them.

Myself I'm an independent voter and I'm only calling it how I see it.