So yes friends "the timing of Trump Indictment Says It All". But lets take a long look at what happened hours before. It's become very clear that we do live in a world where now there is two justice systems in the United States.
one for high-profile Democrats and their friends and families, and another for everyone else. And to hell with everyone else, and they will lie, steal and cheat to destroy everyone else except their own. Only way this can be viewed by the country is as a double standard throughout the last few years as the Justice Department has gone after people involved in the Jan. 6, 2021 event which I will never call insurrection or riot as nobody was with guns inside shooting or stabbing to take over.
People can firebomb a church in the country's capital, so long as they are not Republicans or support Trump and the State and local level officials have also shown a similar bias by refusing to go after violent criminals. Why because these are LIBERALS who were OBAMA/BIDEN appointed when Obama was Conman and Thief.
In St. Louis, for example, former prosecutor Kimberly Gardner used her office
to go after Mark and Patricia McCloskey for wielding weapons on their own
property as a mob of leftists descended on their gated community.
Trending: Timing of Trump Indictment Says It All Look What Happened Hours Before She routinely dropped the ball on criminal cases including murder trials and treated other vile criminals with kid gloves.
But the indictment of former President Donald Trump Thursday in his classified documents case shows not even a presidential candidate and one-time commander-in-chief is safe from the bias. Trump will face criminal counts that are being handed down from a man he could likely face in the 2024 presidential election. This is voter suppression, and election fraud at its finest by Biden.
"President Joe Biden not only has his own issue with mishandling classified
documents" as VP he had no rights to have at all period end of story. He should be in prison for this not Trump.
But a reprobate of a son who ran the family business which appears to have been nothing but an international influence-peddling scheme. On Thursday afternoon, House Republicans finally got a look at a document the FBI presumably wants no one to see: an FD-1023 form that they say shows Biden is guilty of bribery during his time as vice president.
The SAME DAY @GOPoversight is shown a document by the FBI showing evidence that Biden and his son were each paid $5 million dollars by a foreign national the DOJ indicts Trump.
Coincidental? I think not.
The revelation reportedly came when a witness flipped and ratted out the Bidens.
I just read the FBI's FD-1023 form implicating Joe Biden in a political bribery pay-to-play scheme. Here's what the American people deserve to know.
corruption. It's difficult to look at the Biden family and not have a reasonable suspicion, based on what is known publicly that the family has been engaged in some duplicitous behavior.
Since the FBI will not publicly release the reportedly damning 1023 form, the
only thing interested parties can do at this point is to assume that it is that
bad. Any potential attention that could have come from the 1023 Thursday was overshadowed hours later by a second politically motivated indictment of a former president this year. The timing says it all.
Follow Imagine being naïve enough to believe that the Biden Bribe evidence and Trump indictment happening the same day was a coincidence.
after Trump just hours after House Republicans finally compelled the FBI to be transparent about what its investigators know about alleged Biden family
corruption. If the DOJ is not protecting the president, then what the country is witnessing is the most coincidental indictment since the last time Trump faced the wrath of a rogue prosecutor in March in Manhattan. To say the country is and has been a witness to a miscarriage of justice across the board in recent years would be an understatement.
For over two centuries, the American justice system has been the world's gold standard. But now, Americans are watching as it is reduced to a weaponized force that is anything but blind. Perhaps Trump should have put government documents inside of a garage in Delaware near a Corvette, and not locked away in one of the most secure complexes in the country - his Mar-a-Lago resort.
Of course, anyone who has been watching the perversion of the justice system knows Trump is not being indicted because of the documents or where they were stored. Trump is under the gun for the second time in just three months for the crime of being a Republican who threatens a corrupt system. That system is not run by honest elected officials, but by activist career bureaucrats who are no longer pretending to care about the rule of law.
The Justice Department, for its part, has stopped pretending to seek justice.
It is actively thumbing its nose at Biden's political enemies and most likely
on his behalf. Fair application of the law is a concept that died on June 8, 2023.
"The document and said Thursday it showed two Biden family members received a total of $10 million from Burisma Holdings - the Ukrainian energy company on whose board Hunter Biden sat from 2014 until 2019."
The Justice Department appears to be covering for the Biden family. It went
after Trump just hours after House Republicans finally compelled the FBI to be transparent about what its investigators know about alleged Biden family
corruption. If the DOJ is not protecting the president, then what the country is witnessing is the most coincidental indictment since the last time Trump faced the wrath of a rogue prosecutor in March in Manhattan.
To say the country is and has been a witness to a miscarriage of justice across the board in recent years would be an understatement. For over two centuries, the American justice system has been the world's gold standard. But now, Americans are watching as it is reduced to a weaponized force that is anything but blind.
Perhaps Trump should have put government documents inside of a garage in
Delaware near a Corvette, and not locked away in one of the most secure
complexes in the country his Mar-a-Lago resort. Of course, anyone who has been watching the perversion of the justice system knows Trump is not being indicted because of the documents or where they were stored.
Trump is under the gun for the second time in just three months for the crime
of being a Republican who threatens a corrupt system. That system is not run by honest elected officials, but by activist career bureaucrats who are no longer pretending to care about the rule of law.
The Justice Department, for its part, has stopped pretending to seek justice. It is actively thumbing its nose at Biden's political enemies and most likely on his behalf. Let's not kid around we all know that the big guy and his puppet MASTER Barrack Obama are responsible, and are leading in this criminal behavior against a political rival.
Fair application of the law is a concept that died on June 8, 2023.