Showing posts with label Michael Flynn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Flynn. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


DC Circuit Court Rules That DOJ Can Drop the Charges on General Michael Flynn! Here is the document folks just out this is a big win for democracy, and rule of law. This man was dragged thru the mud, and made to look like a liar based on lies, and misinformation by the radical left which is trying hard to overturn the election of 2016, and destroy our country.

Remember people this man was forced to lie, and they went at him and targeted him, and his family. There are talks that this might have been suggested to be done to him by Joe Biden & Barrack Obama themselves to target him since he was on Trumps team.

This country has gone thru the Russian hoax, the Ukraine scandal, the Covid-19, and the Protests, and Riots over the murder of a criminal at the hands of a crooked, and deranged cop who took the law WAY too far. This country has been through hell, and all fingers point at the Obama/Biden white house, and the Seattle “CHAZ” also caused the Obamanation loving radical left. This folks tells you how far these people will go to not just destroy TRUMP’s time as President, and overturn, and rig the election of 2016 or the upcoming one in 2020. These people are like Trump has said. SICK! They’re sick with power, and need it at all cost, and they’re doing it to cover up the years of lying and playing the country like fools at their financial gain.

Trump is the one man they fear most stands in the way of their future of crooked behavior continuing. This is why we have to remove as many of these DemocRATS from office. We cannot allow them to continue to gain power, and keep this sort of horrific behavior happening. What happened to General Flynn should never happen again to anyone in this country. Those behind this everyone of them should pay, and even if it’s Obama/Biden if they’re indeed behind this they should pay for their crimes. And Crimes which keep showing up more, and more as these things unwind… This folks is the only way we get to KEEP MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

DOJ Dismisses Case Against General Flynn

Finally justice has been done for a good man who was dragged through the mud only because the left yes the DemocRATS wanted to find something to use against Trump the then incoming new President. General Flynn was set up, and finally he’s going to get what he deserves. A dismissal of the fake charges, and he should sue the crap out of the FBI and whoever was involved in getting him in prison, and who took his time away from his family, and scared them used them, and hung them over his head to come up with some lie to smear him an innocent man. Just to get at Trump… Listen to this brilliant rant by Tracy Beanz on YouTube for those who want to know more.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

New documents appear to show how FBI handled Gen. Michael Flynn's investigation

OK So a federal judge unsealed documents on Wednesday that included handwritten notes from the day of the Bureau’s interview with President Trump’s former National Security Adviser and communications between FBI officials. Gen. Flynn pled guilty in December 2017 to making false statements about his contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. However, Flynn’s lawyers argue he was framed and he is seeking to withdraw his plea.

How they planned to get Flynn removed:

1) Get Flynn “to admit to breaking the Logan Act”; or

2) Catch Flynn in a lie.

Their end goal was a referral to the DOJ not to investigate Flynn’s contacts with the Russians.

The documents unsealed, including handwritten notes 1/24/2017 day of Flynn FBI interview. Transcript: “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

Read transcript notes, copy original just filed…

This folks is an outrage, and a miscarriage of justice No pardon! Exoneration! Judge must dismiss, and state issue an open apology from the entire government towards Gen. Flynn over this terrible action taken against him, and his family.