Trump Says He Will Never Concede to ‘Fake Ballots and Dominion’

President Donald Trump said Monday that, despite the General Services Administration (GSA) being given the green light to engage with the Sniffler Sleepy Creepy Joe Biden’s transition team, he would “never concede” in what is folks and I agree with the President “the most corrupt election in American political history,” and his team would continue with legal challenges.

“What does GSA being allowed to preliminarily work with the Dems have to do with continuing to pursue our various cases on what will go down as the most corrupt election in American political history?” Trump wrote.

“We are moving full speed ahead. Will never concede to fake ballots & ‘Dominion’,” the president added, referring to the Dominion Voting System elections platform that has come into the spotlight, with Trump’s legal team arguing that alleged exploits in the voting system were used to switch votes in Biden’s favor.

Attorney and once affiliated with Trump’s legal team Sidney Powell who is now acting independently, said she has a deluge of evidence that Dominion and other voting systems were exploited to swing the election, saying she soon intends to file a lawsuit of “epic” proportions that will detail the evidence. This builds on previous remarks she made, claiming the proof she said she was receiving regarding election fraud was massive, and likened its eventual disclosure to “releasing the Kraken.”

Dominion has repeatedly denied that its systems were compromised or used in a fraudulent manner. Meanwhile, while a joint statement put out by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on behalf of a national elections infrastructure coalition with links to Dominion through the company’s membership in CISA’s Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council (SCC), called the Nov. 3 election “the most secure in American history.” Yeah right!

Trump later fired then-head of CISA, Christopher Krebs, claiming the joint statement was “highly inaccurate in that there were massive improprieties and fraud.” Right on Mr President! The president’s message that he would “never concede to fake ballots & ‘Dominion’,” followed an earlier missive in which he indicated that the GSA would make transition resources available for Biden, while insisting that he still has a good shot at victory. “Our case STRONGLY continues, we will keep up the good fight, and I believe we will prevail!” he wrote in a Twitter post.

The president’s message followed a letter that GSA Administrator Emily Murphy sent to Biden (pdf), where she notified the former vice president that some transition resources, including around $7.3 million in funds, would be available to him and his team. Again folks the left are all in for the money, and 7.3 Million Taxpayer money being wasted on a Pedophile Rapist like Joe Biden is a crime against us the citizens of this country who know he’s leading a lying filled rigged win. Joe Biden is NOT the winner yet, and shouldn’t get any such money in my opinion here. But Trump said he won’t stand in the way meaning folks he’s not acting as a dictator which I know a lot of you Libtards want to see him as or like to lie, and make him out to be. But he’s clearly fighting for the integrity of the votes, elections, and us the people.

In her letter, Murphy noted that the decision to provide transition resources should not be understood as a determination that one of the candidates has won the election. “GSA does not dictate the outcome of legal disputes and recounts, nor does it determine whether such proceedings are reasonable or justified,” she wrote. “The actual winner of the presidential election will be determined by the electoral process detailed in the Constitution.” Which means folks Joe Biden is NOT the President-Elect no matter what the mass Media wants to let you think as he’s not been given even the full electrial votes yet to certify him as such. The media is a lying POS propaganda machine.

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