Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Actor, and all around good guy Ricky Schroder getting death threats

Ricky Schroder’s getting so much hate from evil people on the left for simply helping accused murderer Kyle Rittenhouse to bail out of jail, and, he reported it to cops. This folks is the world we live in! You know Kyle who was running away from a mob of people filled with Pedophiles (Joseph Rosenbaum) and others who’s criminals who we’re trying to murder him shot in self defense, and is being dragged thru the mud over it.

Law enforcement deputies responded to a call from Schroder Sunday and stopped by his home to review various negative social media posts directed at the “NYPD Blue” actor. While they weren’t life-threatening, some of the comments were pretty nasty … “Tbh thought he was dead. Would’ve been better,” “This was a racist move pure and simple,” and “Ricky Schroder can shove that silver spoon right up his own ass.”

We’re told cops determined none of the online comments rose to the level of a criminal threat … so the officers just took a suspicious circumstances report and left. Our sources say Schroder will be in contact with authorities if things escalate, and we’re told police are monitoring the situation.

As reported Schroder donated $150k to the 17-year-old’s bail fund, which the teen’s attorney, Lin Wood, said helped them post $2 million bail to get Rittenouse out of jail while he awaits trial for murder. Some of the outcry is obviously harsher than others … but you get the idea. As for Rittenhouse … he’s accused of shooting and killing 2 men and wounding a third during the protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin following the police shooting of Jacob Blake. He’s claiming he acted in self-defense. Which he did, and it’s easily proven but the media which lies has already labled this kid a white supremist muderer. Mind you the people shot were also white, and actual criminals there burning, looting, and rioting. HE was there helping injuried cops, and as a volenteer medic. The people like so called Celebs including Bette Midler who weighed in, saying crap like “Who knew he could be so malevolent?” Forget facts or don’t care about them since it doesn’t fit the narrative of their bullshit.

Kyle did nothing wrong but defend hiimself and a dead pedophile rapist of 5 boys under 13 or of any age should be celebrated. But the left loves their pedophiles, and will always protect pedophilia. Bette the question is how many children has she raped in her life?

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