Warner and Lindsay in Gilbert AZ. Let’s make them famous!

Hilarious video of the not too smart libtards Busted Trying to Get Huge Trump Sign into Small Car Trunk… In the video reportedly shot in Gilbert, Arizona, “Warner” and “Lindsay” are frustrated as they struggle to get the massive sign into their vehicle, before a cameraman rides up on a bicycle to ask what they’re doing. “What you guys doing?” the man asks. “Taking it,” one woman responds. “How come?” he follows up. Cuz, fuck Donald Trump, replies the woman, as they continue to struggle to get the sign in their car trunk.

Last week, we documented an insane, machete-wielding liberal chopping down a Trump sign elsewhere in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The derangement from anti-Trump liberals appears to be ratcheting up as we move closer to Election Day.

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