President Donald Trump BLASTS CBS News False Reporting

President Donald Trump BLASTS CBS News False Reporting Following Project Veritas who busted the hospital, and CBS for lying about reporting a line at a hospital. This is hilarious, sad, and scary to watch as these nurses, and doctors are being told to lie to pack a line to make it look like it’s being packed. This lie is to keep people scared, and follow the lockdown. This folks is part of their agenda to keep us scared, and indoors, and not opening our economy. This is what these people want because they wanna destroy our country from within. The President, and project veritas exposed these clowns for the liars they are once again.
This is is a bio warfare by the left to rig the election folks… They can’t beat the President so they want to blame him on false crap again by lying to you the public. Don’t be an idiot, and don’t follow the sheep leading DemocRATS.

#ExposeCBS Release

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