Showing posts with label Transgender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transgender. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Parental Challenge To School Trans Policy In Maryland Rejected by Supreme Court

In what can be said to be a sad day for parents rights the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a challenge from parents regarding a Maryland school district’s official policy regarding transgender students. A group sued the school after officials there implemented a policy that supported the gender transition of students without notifying parents. The case, John and Jane Parents 1 v. Montgomery County Board of Education, focused on whether the parents had the proper standing to file the lawsuit. In August, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals determined that three parents from Montgomery County, Maryland, did not have standing to challenge the policy. The parents argued that the district’s 2020–21 gender identity policy allowed for withholding information about a child’s preferred pronouns and gender identity from parents. 

The 4th Circuit, in a 2-1 decision, denied the parents standing because they did “not allege that their children have gender support plans, are transgender or are even struggling with issues of gender identity.” Gene Hamilton, executive director of America First Legal, which submitted an amicus brief in the case urging the Supreme Court to hear it, criticized federal judges for their handling of cases involving questions of standing, stating that they are “abjectly failing.” According to “Federal judges across the United States are abjectly failing to do precisely what they should do: declare what the law is and adjudicate cases and controversies between specific parties with specific claims,” Hamilton told Fox News Digital.

“An overwhelming number of federal judges are hiding behind false understandings of ‘standing’ and the role of federal courts as properly understood by the founders,” he said. “Until that changes, sadly, we are going to see more righteous cases dismissed by judges who lack the courage to do their fundamental duty.” In August 2022, U.S. District Judge Paul Grimm, appointed by President Obama and serving in the District of Maryland, initially ruled against the parents. “The Guidelines carefully balance the interests of both the parents and students, encouraging parental input when the student consents, but avoiding it when the student expresses concern that parents would not be supportive, or that disclosing their gender identity to their parents may put them in harm’s way,” Grimm wrote.

In August, a three-judge panel on the 4th Circuit upheld the lower court ruling, with Circuit Judge A. Marvin Quattlebaum, a Trump appointee, writing the 2-1 opinion. Quattlebaum wrote that while objections to the school’s policy might “be quite persuasive,” the parents failed to “allege any injury to themselves.” “Policy disagreements should be addressed to elected policymakers at the ballot box, not to unelected judges in the courthouse,” Quattlebaum said, Fox News reported. Kayla Toney, counsel at First Liberty Institute also filed an amicus brief in the case, saying, “Parental rights are under attack across the nation, and policies that keep gender transitions secret from parents are especially harmful to parents from many different faith backgrounds.” Following with “That is why we are disappointed that the Supreme Court did not grant certiorari in this case, and we will continue to advocate for religious parents,” she said.

When authorities seize cars and other property used in drug crimes, even when the property belongs to so-called innocent owners, they are not required to hold a prompt hearing, a divided US. Supreme Court ruled earlier this month. The justices voted 6-3 to reject the claims of two Alabama women who had to wait more than a year for the return of their cars. Police confiscated the vehicles after pulling over others who were driving them and discovering illegal drugs, the Associated Press reported. 

Civil forfeiture allows authorities to confiscate property without proving it was used in illegal activities. Critics describe the practice as “legalized theft.” Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in a dissent for the liberal members of the court that since police departments frequently have a financial incentive to retain the property, civil forfeiture is “vulnerable to abuse.”

Time to vote on it on election get it on the ballot and move it out from there or let Trump get into office and he can take this on by Executive action or some other sort of means but the schools should never tell kids they can and should transition without notifying parents and to do it is both disgraceful and disgusting. NOT To mention has potential for long term damage to the kids since we know now that a majority of these people who transition regret it later in life.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Parents HIDE YOU'R KIDS! They coming for them...

Ok so this reminds me of the "Antoine Dodson" "Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wife" song clip from the news. But in this week it's been reported that the Chico Unified School District has voted to keep their “parental secrecy” policy in place. “Parental secrecy” allows Chico Unified to not inform parents if a child identifies by another gender at school. Wait what? Yes you read this correctly friends now during the meeting, the board received input from educators as well as Aurora Regino, a mother who is currently suing the district. Regino alleged that a school counselor facilitated her 11-year-old daughter’s transition without her consent.

The board voted 3-2 to keep the current policy.

Regino expressed her frustration with the district’s policy and is calling for more transparency when it comes to counseling services provided to students. She explained, “I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My daughter was distressed and began questioning her sexuality, so she decided to reach out to a wellness counselor at her elementary school.”

“The day my daughter shared with her guidance counselor that she felt like a boy. The counselor immediately affirmed this new identity,” the mother said. “My daughter told the counselor she wanted to tell me about her new identity. The counselor ignored her request and did nothing to support her and letting me know what was going on at school.”

Oliva Phillips, an educator supporting student privacy policy, claimed “We as educators and service providers, we as educators need to cultivate an environment where students feel trust and safety and acceptance, to be unapologetically themselves without repercussions of backlash.”

Thursday, November 4, 2021

He was not transgender!

While in the mist of the political race in Virginia this is the case which might have cost Terry McAuliffe the election… Remember he said After this whole mess that ‘I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach’ which outraged and became a nationwide backlash that will not just cost him his political career but also showed the true colors of both Barrack Obama who said this was fiction, and Biden who stumbled, mumbled, and idiotically did everything but address this in order to trash Trump after chants of “WE LOVE TRUMP” broke out in the crowd. Now while some I know were quick to attack this as if it’s a transgender boy turned girl who raped a girl born a girl which caused an outrage when the school covered it up, and the victims dad went to a PTA meeting to protest the coverup and was labeled a “Domestic Terrorist” now we have word that the mom of skirt-wearing male teen who raped the teen girl in the bathroom says her son identifies as male. He just wanted sex and admits this as she berates victim: ‘You’re 15. You can reasonably defend yourself.’

The Loudoun County, Virginia, mother of the skirt-wearing teen accused of raping the female classmate in a girls’ bathroom is speaking out in defense of her son, saying that he is not transgender, identifies as male, and simply “wanted sex.” As we know in October, an area judge found the student guilty of sexually assaulting a female student in a girls’ bathroom in May.

The unnamed male student was placed under electronic surveillance over the attack, but was later said to have groped another female teen at a different Loudoun County high school earlier in October. This kid clearly is a problem and danger to society, and needs to spend a few years pondering his choices in life behind bars where he will be raped by older, bigger, and men who will beat some sense into his ass. Literally… The woman, who remains unnamed at the time of this reporting, told the Daily Mail that her 15-year-old son is male and not transgender. So again folks this isn’t a “Transgender” and thus this is an issue caused by Biden and like Trump told us this would be the case when he banned these bathrooms, and once again another policy Trump put into place shows how right he was, and how wrong the RAPIST and Coke head in the white house now Creepy, Sleepy JOE BIDEN was.

She defended her son as simply engaging in the actions of a “heterosexual, hormonal teen who, in the case of the rape, had consensual sex with the girl twice before.” Which if true doesn’t matter if the girl said no, and was attacked in the bathroom and raped he should be punished. The fact he did it again in a different school to another girl shows he’s a rapist, and has mental issues.

“He’s a 15-year-old boy that wanted to have sex in the bathroom, with somebody that was willing,” she said. “And they’re twisting this just enough to make it a political hot button issue.” This is a mother who doesn’t want to face reality or facts about her son and his bad behavior. This is very telling on how a boy grows up like this and would do this. IF this wasn’t rape why would he pretend to be a girl, and do this? The woman said that her son who she admitted is “deeply troubled” was only wearing a skirt that particular day because he has an “androgynous style.”

She explained, “He would wear a skirt one day and then the next day, he would wear jeans and a T-shirt, a polo, or hoodie. He was trying to find himself and that involved all kinds of styles. I believe he was doing it because it gave him attention he desperately needed and sought.” The woman added that her son described the sexual assault to her in a way that made her believe the incident was all a misunderstanding.

The two, according to the woman, met in a bathroom earlier in the day because the female teen “wasn’t feeling well that day.”

“He was worried about her, asked her how she was feeling, touched her forehead, brought water for her,” his mother recalled, and said that her son told her that he and the female teen talked about having sex later on in the day.

She continued, “He’d mentioned something about hooking up with her, said they’d discussed it that day and that she was wishy-washy, was like, ‘Yeah, maybe, I still don’t feel well, we’ll see.'”

She then said that her son later followed the female teen into the bathroom a second time later in the day, where he ended up advancing on her when she said that she was feeling “much better” than earlier the morning. The male teen, according to the woman, “depicted the rape as an accident” and said that he didn’t mean to insert himself into her anus. Look nobody has anal sex by mistake. Sorry me personally I’m not buying this, and she went on to spew that “He said he was intending for vaginal and it ended up for 10 seconds as anal,” the woman recalled. “He knew she was in pain. He said, ‘Are you okay?” She said that hurt. And he’s like, ‘What kind of pain?'” The woman said, “He was showing genuine concern.” Yeah or he was getting off hearing about her pain. One or the other all we know is he didn’t just do this once. So If you use logic this kid is into this sort of thing, and gets off on it.

She then called into question the teen girl’s response to the incident. Because blaming the victim is a path she wants to take again typical idiotic mother standing up for her mentally sick rapist son! Like Joe Biden calling his pedophile crackhead rapist son “the smartest man I know…” But she said that “If I was in a position where I was about to be raped, I would be screaming, kicking, everything,” she said. “You’re 15. You can reasonably defend yourself. You’re not just going to sit there and take it. And so, because there wasn’t a presence of a fight, he felt it was okay to keep going.” How does she know she wasn’t doing this, and he wasn’t covering her mouth for example? Oh because she’s taking the rapists word over the victim which again is a typical mother covering up for her sons evil actions.

In late October, the teen was found guilty for the May sexual assault, which took place at Stone Bridge High School in Ashburn, Virginia. His victim admitted that the two previously had sex in the bathroom and that they’d agreed to meet there once more during lunch break. In her testimony, the unnamed female student said that she arrived at the bathroom and told him that she no longer wanted to have sex, but he threw her on the floor in response and forced her into sexual activities.

He was remanded to juvenile detention pending a Nov. 15 hearing in connection with the second incident — which reportedly took place at Broad Run High School in Ashburn in early October. The Daily Mail reported that sources stated that the 15-year-old has a checkered record when it comes to sexual indiscretions, and in fifth grade the teen reportedly sent nude photos of himself to a female classmate.

The girl’s parents reportedly agreed not to file charges in exchange for the district keeping the boy away from their daughter. His mother, according to the outlet, confirmed the incident and snapped, “What the f*** does that have to do with anything?” And continued by saying “What are they trying to do?” she asked. “Did they hire an investigator to dig up everything and ruin him for the rest of his life? … He’s been a challenging child his whole life, which I’ve dealt with myself. My son’s gone through multiple forms of counseling and therapy, resources here, at school, friends, family. It’s been 15 years of hell trying to get him to do better and be better.” According to the report, the woman still is not sure what to make of the charges in connection to the Oct. 6 incident.

“I didn’t hear my son’s side of it because he was being hauled into [juvenile detention] before I could talk to him,” she concluded. “What is the end game on this? My son’s going to be on the sexual registry and be committed to Megan’s Law for the rest of his life because he had 15-year-old hormones.” Which he should as he’s a rapist, and done it twice… He’s got to be on a registry as all rapist, and predators should be. Sorry no excuse for rape just because you’re a horny teen. I was once a horny teen yet I’ve never raped anyone. Normal people don’t rape… Period.

Jess and Scott Smith the parents are SUING woke Loudoun County after their 15-year-old daughter was ‘raped’ in ‘gender-fluid’ girls’ bathroom by the boy in the case. Remember the father was outraged only for cops to arrest HIM after he complained at school board meeting.

Jess and Scott Smith allege that the district attempted to cover up the alleged assault. They claim that Superintendent Scott Ziegler alleged there was no record of the May 28 incident at Stonebridge High School in Leesburg, Virginia, despite Loudoun County Sheriff’s office conducting a two-month long investigation into the allegations.

On June 22, Scott Smith was filmed exploding with anger about the assault at a school board meeting, and was later convicted over the disturbance. He only revealed the alleged sex attack that had sparked his fury earlier this week. The alleged attacker, who has not been named, but is also 15 years-old, is further accused of carrying out another attack at Broad Run High School in Loudoun County on October 6, and is now in custody. Ziegler claims he wasn’t aware of the attack at the time of the meeting that saw Scott Smith arrested.

The Smiths are suing under the provisions of Title IX of the United States’ federal civil rights law which prohibits sex-based discrimination in educational institutions. ‘The sexual assault our daughter endured should never happen to any young girl, or any child, attending a public school,’ the Smiths said in a press release about the suit that was obtained by Fox News.

Their lawyer, Brian Stanley, said his firm intends to ‘protect the interests of their daughter at every turn’ and ‘will pursue federal Title IX actions against the local government and all officials who are responsible for allowing this harm’ to come to the girl. ‘What happened to Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their daughter in Loudoun County is absolutely abhorrent and unacceptable,’ Stanley said. ‘It is a nightmare no family should have to endure, yet it has happened twice in Loudoun Schools in the same year by the same perpetrator. This is outrageous.’

The lawsuit comes after Smiths demanded the resignation of Loudoun County Schools Superintendent Scott Ziegler for what they say was a cover-up of the incident. They say they are not anti-gay, but do not approve of ‘transgender kids’ stuff’. Loudoun County is home to one of the United States’ wokest school boards, and has shot to notoriety this year as parents clash with board members over topics including critical race theory and gender identity.

Scott Smith’s lawyers also plan to fight the ‘wrongful and unconstitutional’ charges filed against him after he was arrested and found guilty of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest at a June school board meeting where he confronted Ziegler. On June 22 four weeks after the Smiths’ daughter told teachers she was raped in the girls’ bathrooms at Stone Bridge High School Ziegler, who earns $295,000 as the school superintendent, told a crowded school board meeting: ‘To my knowledge, we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms.’

He then went further, calling it a debunked theory that a transgender person is more likely to sexually assault a cisgender (non-trans) person and that the ‘predatory trans person does not exist’. ‘I think it’s important to keep our perspective on this, we’ve heard it several times tonight from our public speakers but the predator transgender student or person simply does not exist,’ he said. However, the Loudoun County Sheriff’s office confirmed to Fox News this week that they had conducted a two-month investigation into the alleged sexual assault at the school.

‘We can confirm a May 28, 2021 case that involved a thorough 2-month-long investigation that was conducted to determine the facts of the case prior to arrest,’ the sheriff’s office reportedly said. ‘This case is still pending court proceedings. The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office is not able to provide any documents that pertain to a pending case.’ The male student, who was allowed into the bathroom because he told staff he identified as female, was arrested in July, a month after Smith’s outburst at the school board meeting.

The boy allegedly went on to allegedly sexually assault another girl, at a different school, Broad Run High School, on October 6. Broad Run is also part of Loudoun County. Further details on the circumstances of that assault, including why he was at a different school, have not been made clear. He is now in juvenile detention awaiting a court appearance on all charges, which include sexual battery and forcible sodomy. On Tuesday, furious parents and one 14-year-old student attended a meeting where they called for Ziegler’s resignation. ‘This is not China, this is the United States of America, and we will not be silenced.

‘Remove the superintendent immediately and then resign for your negligence and duplicity. End this nightmare!’ one mother fumed, according to videos obtained by Fox News. ‘Your moral compasses are busted! You, Dr. Ziegler, and our school board every one of you are complicit in these crimes against our children because you did nothing about it, nothing. ‘What is worse than a child being raped at school? The coverup by those who are trusted with the safety and well-being of children.

‘Today, Scott Ziegler must resign for the unconscionable act of allowing an alleged rapist back into school to rape again, and for that coverup,’ said another. ‘I am 14 years old, the fact that I have to be here defending my rights to not have your radical agenda shoved down my throat in school is not only concerning, it’s upsetting. ‘My peers and I are not tools to further your political agenda,’ said Katie Young, the 14-year-old student.

‘We warned you about policies that you were putting into place that would be a danger to our students, and we’ve seen that happen. ‘When is enough enough? When are you going to change the policies to keep our children safe?’ a father said. His alleged behavior is exactly the type that parents said they were worried about at the June 22 meeting. They argued against the proposed rule that all kids could choose what bathroom to use. ‘Criminal investigations of Timothy Flynn, Scott Ziegler, and Brenda Sheridan seem warranted for covering up the anal rape of a 9th grader and intimidating the victim’s father,’ tweeted one person.

A spokesman for the school board told on Wednesday morning that he was unaware of the allegations even though the school reported them to police – because the police were still investigating. They would not comment on whether or not he plans to resign, nor would the school board comment on the incidents. ‘Members of the Loudoun County School Board were not aware of the specific details of this incident until it was reported in media outlets earlier this week. ‘We are unable to locate any records that indicate that Scott Smith had registered in advance to speak at the June 22, 2021 board meeting,’ the spokesman said, citing privacy laws as reason for not giving more details.

The rape allegations were first revealed on Tuesday by The Daily Wire. Loudoun County’s Sheriff’s Office later corroborated them with

Smith told The Daily Wire that his daughter was raped on May 28 but that the school did nothing, choosing instead to handle it ‘internally’. The woke school board has been pushing a liberal agenda throughout the year, to the horror of many of the parents and teachers in the community. The school didn’t tell the police what had happened to the girl, but they reported Smith to the authorities for making a scene. He and his daughter then went to the cops themselves.

At the June 22 meeting, Smith said he wanted to tell the room of angry parents and teachers that Ziegler was lying, and that the very type of assault they said they feared had happened to his daughter. Before he could, he was taken out of the room by sheriff’s deputies. The 48-year-old plumber was ridiculed on social media afterwards and was painted by the left to be a deranged, right-wing bigot. ‘It has been so hard to keep my mouth shut and wait this out. It has been the most powerless thing I’ve ever been through,’ he said in his interview with The Daily Wire. He appeared on The Ingraham Angle on Fox News on Tuesday to explain that he spoke out after learning the same boy had been arrested again for allegedly assaulting a different girl.

‘Within half an hour, it was confirmed that yes, this did happen. I basically said that’s it. I won’t stay quiet anymore.’ A spokesman for Ziegler told Fox yesterday that ‘as soon as’ the incident happened in May, police were notified and the school is ‘cooperating’. Smith says the school ‘washed its hands of it’. The school board has not yet responded to the demands for Ziegler to resign, or for his deputies to resign. He assumed the role of superintendent in June this year after informally taking over in January following the resignation of Eric Williams. Williams left the area to go and work in Houston, Texas, as tensions in Loudoun County reached boiling point. The liberal school board embraced Ziegler, a former teacher and chaplain who only started working in the county in 2019.

Williams never released an explanation for his departure. Smith and his wife say their legal costs are mounting with the combined cases.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Demon Pronouns? Maybe It’s Time For The aliens to land and slap some of the earthlings around a bit!

Demon pronouns? Really? Is that the new boulevard of mental illness we’re passing through today? And these are people who vote DemocRAT and love to hate on this country. These young morons are so brain washed this is the garbage they put out on the net. This kids clearly have mental issues folks.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Dr. Rachel Levine becomes nation's first transgender four-star officer

So Dr. Rachel Levine, the nation’s most senior transgender official, made history again Tuesday by becoming the first openly transgender four-star officer across any of the country’s eight uniformed services. Even when she’s got no credentials to be in this position but the Biden Misadministration in power this is who becomes the assistant secretary of health just because she’s “transgender” yikes!

He I mean “she” was sworn in Tuesday as an admiral, the highest-ranking official of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, whose 6,000 uniformed officers are entrusted with protecting the nation’s public health. Levine’s appointment also made her the organization’s first female four-star officer. “This is a momentous occasion, and I am honored to take this role for the impact I can make and for the historic nature of what it symbolizes,” Levine said in a speech at her swearing-in ceremony. “I stand on the shoulders of those LGBTQ+ individuals who came before me, both those known and unknown. May this appointment today be the first of many more to come, as we create a diverse and more inclusive future.”

Levine, a pediatrician who previously served as Pennsylvania’s health secretary, has spearheaded numerous efforts to combat public health issues, including the opioid epidemic, maternal mortality and childhood immunization. A graduate of Harvard College and Tulane Medical School, she has also written on medical
marijuana and pediatric medicine.

In heading the health corps, Levine will be in charge of deploying the country’s public health workers to respond to crises ranging from the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed more than 725,000 Americans, to natural disasters such as flooding.

Levine said she was proud to follow in the footsteps of her father, who served in the Air Force during World War II, and other members of her family who are veterans.

“Just as they stepped up to defend our rights to freedom and liberty, I now follow in their storied tradition of service as I step up to defend the health of our nation,” she said.

Out of the eight uniformed services in the United States, including the Army, Navy and Air Force, the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps distinctly focuses on medical issues. Levine made history in March when she became the first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the Senate. She was narrowly confirmed by a vote of 52-48, primarily along party lines.

Senior health officials lauded the historic nature of Levine’s appointment to the public health corps for the LGBTQ community, noting its particular significance during LGBTQ History Month, which is celebrated in October. “Admiral Levine’s historic appointment as the first openly transgender four-star officer is a giant step forward towards equality as a nation,” Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement. As the nation’s top transgender official, Levine has previously told NBC News that she will work to support the LGBTQ community, particularly transgender youth, saying “we have to protect those most vulnerable in our community.”

“The time is now for our country to continue to move the bar forward for diversity,” Levine said Tuesday. “And I am proud to wear this uniform and answer that call.”

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Caitlyn Jenner against male/female sports mixing over 'Trans Rights'

Former Olympic champion, reality TV personality, and once named Bruce now Caitlyn Jenner who also is now running for California governor, said she opposes transgender girls competing in girls’ sports at school. A Big reveal as Jenner again is “Transgender” and this goes against the very fabric of a lot of the blowback Trump got while in office from the Trans community.

Jenner, a 1976 decathlon Olympic gold medalist who came out as a transgender woman in 2015, told a TMZ reporter on Saturday that it’s “a question of fairness.”

“That’s why I oppose biological boys who are trans competing in girls’ sports in school. It just isn’t fair. And we have to protect girls’ sports in our schools,” Jenner said Saturday during a brief interview in a Malibu parking lot. It was Jenner’s first comment on the controversial issue since announcing her candidacy to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom in a recall election. Five states have passed laws or implemented executive orders this year limiting the ability of transgender youths to play sports or receive certain medical treatment. There’s been a vehement outcry from supporters of transgender rights.

Jenner, a Republican, supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election but later criticized his administration for some discriminatory actions against transgender people. Many transgender-rights advocates have criticized Jenner, saying she has failed to convince them that she is a major asset to their cause.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Literally WTF?

Now I think I’ve finally seen it all folks! Look I got no issues with gay people, and any letter in their alphabet. But this one video here will not just shock some of you! But it’s god damn sick… This is the new form of child abuse, and this is just not right or cool. The parent of this child needs to be investigated quick, and understand people there is nothing wrong being Trans but to have the drag culture doing this is not just wrong this involves children and is downright insane.

The American Library Association has invited drag queens into public libraries under the guise of “inclusivity” and it has now devolved into whatever the hell this is!

“Drag Queen Giving Lap Dance to Little Girl Goes Viral”

Matt Walsh is taking some heat for linking libertarian conservatism to the decline of Western culture, but is he wrong? The libertarians I know have zero concern for the morality of our nation. Some that I know don’t believe in any age of consent, nor do they believe pornography is harmful. If libertarian conservatives are against this they should loudly proclaim it and help us stop it immediately. Social conservatives have been sounding the warning bell for years that ignoring cultural decay will bring us into a hell we never imagined. I think we are here.

This little girl is being traumatized by adults who should know better. The “dancing” this drag queen is doing with his bottom hanging out of his shorts is undeniably sexual. The child is sitting in the center of the room as the focus of this display just like any bachelor would sit for a lap dance from a stripper. Her face is a mix of confusion and discomfort while a woman, who I assume is the creature who birthed her, is standing next to her wiggling and giggling while she allows her child to be enticed by a scantily clad man.

I would also like to say that the men sitting there laughing and clapping or watching this disaster without lifting a soy-weakened finger to help that child are not men. They are mere shadows of men with the anatomy and the appearance of males, but lacking the hearts of men whose purpose for being is to protect those weaker than them. They are an embarrassment to their sex, their community, and their Creator.

There aren’t enough words to rebuke a culture that would allow this blatant assault on childhood innocence.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Drag Queen Flashes Crotch To Kids During Story Hour

Drag Queen Flashes Crotch To Kids During Story Hour, and more… Watch ALEX JONES of INFOWars talk about this growing nightmare taking place in our schools.. This is child abuse, child endangerment, child conditioning, and Nambla, and other evil pedophia organizations are behind this. Hollywood is a big player in promoting this lifestyle, Atifa, the entire socialist movement with the “Alphabet People” are behind this, and it’s to create a world in which pedophilia is accepted like a normal way of life!

Schools as you can see in the video below are promoting this bullshit folks, and you need to become aware if you don’t know that your kids are being indoctrinated into this alternate and very insane lifestyle. IF you have any decency left folks you cannot allow this sort of thing to happen…. I cannot believe that in this country this is what we have got to. Listen I’m pro gay rights… Just not THIS SHIT HERE.

A compilation of clips showing how Drag Queen story-hour is a mechanism to groom and sexualize children for pedo sex.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Colin Kaepernick likes chicks with dicks? You decide!

Former NFL quarterback, now activist Colin Kaepernick might have some skeletons in his closet he doesn’t want the world knowing about, and how about it folks! He might be into chicks with dicks! Maybe chicks who once had dicks? Who knows what he’s into cock or scars where cocks used to hang? I DON’T KNOW! Don’t want to know also but looks like someone’s is fed up with him, and has decided to well expose him, and kick him out of the closet… I mean Colin should be used to it he was kicked out of the NFL afterall, and has cost Nike MILLIONS since signing with them.

He’s used to it.. I guess. I have some respect for Michael Sams the now ex football player for being openly gay about who he was, and even showed who his boyfriend was, and didn’t hide it. He’s not in the league either which doesn’t shock me but at least he didn’t lie, and kept a secret. You know who else lied about his sexual orientation? Aaron Hernandez, and he well we know how that guy ended up. Not good… Keeping secrets is not good, and about who you are is even worse. So Colin be yourself, and I say that to a white guy who’s been white his whole life until his gf was played by a mulata from tv. Who’s also into Black Lives Matter, a socialist, and extreme in her own views.

“I loved him very much and he cared for me greatly, but in order to protect his brand I made him walk away from me. Knowing the persecution he would face because I’m a Trans woman.” Says the Alphabet person now known as Mia Isabella. “If I’m honest I have not been very good to my own heart. I’ve burdened her with heavy truths too great for it to bear. Today I tell the truth,” she tweeted. “During the @Tyga scandal someone outed my connection w @Kaepernick7 to discriminate against and persecute us because I’m a Trans woman.

“There is nothing wrong with loving a Trans woman,” Isabella continued. “It was my heart and soul he loved it wasn’t because of my sexuality. I have to thank @MichaelSamNFL my publicist @misslainie and my grandmother for holding the truths I told them. It hurt me to lose our bond,” he said about Kaepernick, 28. So San Francisco really made an impact on Kaepernick from the looks of it, and yeah, it’s one thing to be an activist for racism, or whatever he’s doing these days but It’s another thing to change teams midway through the game. (if you don’t get the joke, ask a friend)

Now, Kaepernick has never mentioned anything about this relationship, so this could be a case of someone seeking their 15-minutes of fame. At the same time, it’s not hard to imagine a guy like Kaepernick getting tricked by a transgendered person, and simply going along with it. But remember she does porn, NOWAY he didn’t know. Check out this video from 2016 when Mia is asked about Colin so this isn’t new news…