Showing posts with label Summer of love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer of love. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Mark McCloskey for US Senate!

Hold on to your hats folks! Mark McCloskey could be headed to the Senate! Yea folks this is correct and if the voters of Missouri will have him he might just go from civilian hero who went to jail for defending himself against Marxist domestic terrorists Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters who broke into his block to try and “protest” which means “Riot, Loot, Murder!” Remember this was during the heat of the “Summer of Love” in 2020 the poor couple suffered loads of horrible charges from leftist corrupt politicians and Judges who are sold out, and want to do nothing but rid this country of Patriotic Americans, the constitution, freedom of speech, rights to bare arms in self defense, and well they’re radicals trying to destroy our lives.

So to see Mark make this awesome announcement on Tucker Carlson tonight which also saw him release his first campaign ad. McCloskey joins the race for retiring Senator Roy Blunt’s old seat as the only outsider in a field of politicians. This is what we need more of my friends! Real people who support our country running to remove the evil crooked DemocRATS, and Rino Republicans from the Senate, and Congress. This is how we take our country back.

“Never Back Down. Our Nation is under attack Big Tech, Big Business, the swamp in D.C., are all working together to destroy our God-given freedom, our culture, and our heritage” the ad begins. ” When was the last time a politician defended you? Defended America? Stood between you and the mob? We need defenders in America. But all we get are dividers. They want us to hate each other. Left vs. Right. Black vs. White. Rich vs. Poor. This is a tactic to destroy us. We are all AMERICANS. We are MISSOURIANS. Our nation, our state, our home is worth defending. Our freedoms are worth protecting. I can promise you one thing. When the mob comes to destroy our home, our state, our nation – I will defend it. I will Never Back Down.”

Little backstory here Mark McCloskey was born and raised in the St. Louis Missouri suburb of Webster Groves and is life-long Republican. He attended St. Louis Country Day School where he was Captain of the wresting team and President of the Student Council. He graduated magna cum laude (Remove the “n” and he’s “MAGA” “CUM” LAUDE” ok that’s just a little joke.) from Southern Methodist University with degrees in Psychology, Sociology and Criminal Justice. He went on to receive his law degree from SMU and has spent the last 36 years representing the rights of his fellow citizens.

Mark and his wife Patricia, whom he has been married to for 36 years, were made famous overnight when photographs of them defending their home against those domestic terrorists Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters went viral. Soros-backed St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner then attempted to prosecute the two, but she was dismissed from part of the McCloskey case because she sent out campaign fundraising emails touting her prosecution of them.

Missouri’s governor later said he’d pardon the McCloskeys if they were convicted of gun charges. The McCloskey’s are heros, and I wish I could vote for them from Florida! They deserve to win this race, and I wish them the best. Mark and his wife Patricia again are serious about this so all in the area please remember them, and what they went through when you go cast your votes.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Kamala Harris bailed out BLM Rioters! EXPOSED!

After the death of the criminal known as George Floyd which made it easy for the left to use this as a base for their take over of the streets, and the nation by using the domestic terrorist groups known as Antifa, Boogalo Bois, and yes Black Lives Matter who all initiated a nationwide assault on cities that cost billions in damages, thousands of lives, and unrest for months all over the nation. During what they called the “Summer of Love” something they will never live down.

Well it looks like while these riots were going on, the Left and their allies in the Fake News Media were excusing them, and oftentimes encouraging more violence as we know, and It’s been shown in past videos. Not only were they encouraging the riots, many on the Left were promoting bail funds to release rioters from jail.

The most notable of these bail funds was from the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which said that they would “pay criminal bail and immigration bonds for those who cannot otherwise afford to.” Dozens of Hollywood stars and left-wing politicians promoted the fund, which caused it to raise tens of millions of dollars. Among them is Kamala Harris. Oh that’s right she was right there endorsing on video these riots, and she paid for a lot of these same domestic terrorists to get bail. YUP folks this is facts.

Harris encouraged her followers to “chip in” to “help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.” Of course, Minnesota was where the most violence occurred, with Minneapolis being the site of George Floyd’s death. Her post certainly helped the group, which only raised around $100,000 in all of 2018.

The bail fund was then used to bail out violent rioters, including one man who allegedly shot at police officers during riots in Minnesota. And now the Minnesota Freedom Fund is trying to cover up exactly who they bailed out, publicly refusing to reveal exactly who they bailed out. Just the News reached out to the fund, who were told that they could find records of who they bailed out through the “Hennepin and Ramsey County jail rosters.”

But the news outlet attempted to find the records, instead finding that they are not easily accessible. Minnesota reporter Tom Lyden of KMSP also attempted to find a list of those bailed out by the fund. Instead, he found that the records are “difficult to find and it is not available online.”

The fact that the Minnesota Freedom Fund isn’t willing to reveal exactly who they bailed out proves that they are likely hiding something. And with people like Kamala Harris promoting it, it is clear they don’t want the information to harm their political prospects.