So we finally have an overtune of one of the biggest injustice done to a couple of real true American Patriots. Right from the J/6 capitol Pardons by Trump we now have both Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, ex-Proud Boys boss Enrique Tarrio set free. As we know President Trump granted pardons to more than 1,500 defendants who faced charges in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol event. As both lawyers on both far-right leaders confirmed their release on Tuesday. Mr Tarrio was 16 months into a 22-year prison sentence on seditious conspiracy and other charges, while Rhodes was almost 20 months into an 18-year sentence for the same offense.
“They’ve already been in jail for a long time,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office Monday evening about the clemency recipients. “These people have been destroyed.” Unlike many of the J/6 defendants, neither Tarrior or Rhodes were eve inside the Capitol Building during the event and were not even in DC! But they were charged with helping to plot out the attack. During the run-up to the riot, Rhodes and others had stockpiled tactical gear and firearms. He also stepped into restricted Capitol grounds while directing his Oath Keepers militia members as the chaos unfolded. “My only regret is that they should have brought rifles,” Rhodes said on an audio recording obtained by federal investigators. “We should have brought rifles. We could have fixed it right then and there. I’d hang f—ing [Nancy] Pelosi from the lamppost.” Something a lot of people in this country would actually cheer for.
Tarrio had led the Proud Boys, another right-wing group, from 2018 to 2021. He also worked as the Florida state director of Latinos for Trump. Prosecutors had accused Tarrio of playing a critical role in orchestrating the Proud Boys’ rampage at the Capitol, including by ordering “hand-selected members” of the group to attend the “Stop The Steal” Trump rally that preceded the event. Tarrio again was not in Washington, DC the day of the over hyped riot, but prosecutors highlighted text messages he he exchanged with members of the groups. During the Aftermath Tarrio stressed that he didn’t have sympathy for the members of Congress who were forced into hiding. He also said that he didn’t “support” or “condemn” the riot.
In addition to Monday’s clemency grants, Trump directed the Justice Department to ask for the dismissal of about 450 cases that are still being litigated... A Good start to finally ending this nightmare caused by Nancy Pelosi, the DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, the left radicals in congress, media and in Antifa & BLM.
Enrique Tarrio the face of a major faction of The Proud Boys faces misdemeanour destruction of property charges, police say. He has reportedly admitted torching a banner taken from a black church during a rally in December in the city. President Donald Trump has been urging supporters to gather in the capital this week for another demonstration. On Wednesday, members of Congress are due to certify Democratic President-elect Joe Biden’s election victory before he takes office on 20 January.
Mr Tarrio has said on the social media app Parler that the Proud Boys will “turn out in record numbers on Jan 6th”, referring to his members as “the most notorious group of extraordinary gentlemen”. The National Guard has been deployed by Muriel Bowser the so called Washington DC’s mayor who asked them to assist local authorities. Officials say the troops will not be armed and will be there to assist with crowd management and traffic control. Ofcourse when it was BLM, and Antifa she didn’t ask for the “National Guard” and let them run wild.
A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police Department, Dustin Sternbeck, told the Washington Post on Monday that Mr Tarrio had been stopped in a vehicle shortly after it entered the district. The 36-year-old was also found during his arrest to be in unlawful possession of two devices that allow guns to hold additional bullets, and the destruction of property charge relates to a protest in Washington DC on 12 December in support of the president. The mostly peaceful demonstration ended in isolated scuffles as confrontations with counter-protesters broke out. Police said more than three dozen people were arrested and four churches were vandalised. Mr Tarrio who lives in Miami, where he also reportedly runs a grassroots organisation called Latinos for Trump told the Washington Post at the time that he had burned the Black Lives Matter flag.
“Let’s make this simple,” he said. “I did it.” But he maintained he did not know the Asbury United Methodist Church, where the flag had reportedly flown, was predominantly attended by African American worshippers.
Mr Tarrio also said Proud Boy members have had their flags and hats stolen in past demonstrations without anyone being arrested for those alleged incidents. Earlier on Monday, another black church that was vandalised during December’s protest sued Mr Tarrio and the Proud Boys.
The Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church accused the group of climbing over a fence and tearing down a Black Lives Matter sign. Kristen Clarke, head of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, said in a statement: “Black churches and other religious institutions have a long and ugly history of being targeted by white supremacists in racist and violent attacks meant to intimidate and create fear.
“Our lawsuit aims to hold those who engage in such action accountable.” The city’s police department said last month it had been considering a potential hate crime charge over the incident. Oh but burning city’s and looting by BLM, and Antifa is allowed, and those criminals are released back to the streets without charges if arrested. Talk about hypocricy folks!
OK So another Liberal who shows their nasty side gets sweet Karma after acting not just out of line but calling for people to hurt other people, and really is doing nothing but inciting violence! These people think they can get away with it because they’re all trying to become the next “John Lewis” with his stupid “Make good trouble” radical code call for remarks he made over, and over, and over again.
This is the same nonsense that a lot of these radical leftist do now, and then cry like babies when someone from “Proud Boys” or dare I say it a cop shows up to stop the violence, and yells racism! After they burn, loot, and kill innocent people in the name of “Good Trouble” ? Now that Michigan house representative Cynthia A. Johnson was removed from her committee assignments today for making the following comments during a Facebook live post.
You can watch video on a Facebook post where she made what could be seen as clear threats of violance towards anyone who supports the Preident! speaker of the House Lee Chatfield and Speaker-elect Jason Wentworth today released the following statement on the video released last night by state Rep. Cynthia Johnson on social media:
“Threats to either Democrats or Republicans are unacceptable and un-American. They’re even more unbecoming of an elected official. Rep. Johnson has been removed from her committee assignments, and we are looking into further disciplinary action as the proper authorities conduct their own investigations.
“We have been consistent in our position on this – violence and intimidation is never appropriate in politics. We have said that about threats against Gov. Whitmer, Secretary Benson, Rep. Johnson herself, and others. That applies to threats made toward public officials, and it must also apply when the threats come from public officials. Behavior like this will not be tolerated this term or next.”
Michigan State police tell 6 News, after reviewing the statements made by Johnson, they will not look further into the matter.
“MSP has reviewed the online statement made by Representative Johnson and find that it does not contain a direct threat against any specific individual. Therefore, it is our belief that it is not in the purview of law enforcement. “
The Michigan Republican party also issued a statement in response to the comments:
“I am incredibly disturbed by Representative Cynthia Johnson’s deranged Facebook rant. It is reprehensible that an elected official would call on her ‘soldiers’ to make the supporters of an opposing party ‘pay’, and clearly, such a statement could incite people to violence.”
“It was distressing to know that Representative Johnson received threats after last week’s hearing, however by issuing threats of violence of her own against the supporters of President Trump she has sunk to the same level as the unhinged individuals who threatened her. I call on Governor Whitmer and Michigan Democrats to condemn Representative Johnson’s statement immediately.”
Johnson has not responded to to her removal from committee assignements, or the response by the Michigan Republican Party. Because shes a coward, and now will try to do damage control, and take back her comments somehow watch. She’s already trying to make it a “Religious” thing but that’s a bigger fail because in the bible it says love our friends, and those who we think as our enemies the same. In the eyes of god are we not supposed to be the children of the same god? Just because we vote different or have different ideas in life should not make someone in her position call out for violance. They call out Trump for not condeming white supremacy even tho he’s done so many times! But I don’t see the mainstream media calling out the left when they do this crap! I don’t see CNN or even FoxNews doing much to oust these violance seeking liberals, and we need to remove filth like her from any position of political office. This is draining the swamp.
Michigan’s House democratic leader Christine Greig also issued a statement claiming Speaker Chatfield’s decision to remove Johnson from her committee assignments partisan politics:
“There is no doubt that this election cycle has been rife with hyperpartisan political rhetoric, theatrics and dangerous threats of violence toward elected and public officials and their loved ones which continue to escalate amid the most significant public health crisis in our state and country.
“As widely reported in the media, Representative Johnson has received numerous racist and heinous threats of violence as have other Democratic and Republican elected officials that have continued to place the safety of her and her loved ones in jeopardy. It is regrettable that her comments have led to the unintended consequence of adding further tension. It’s incumbent upon every elected official to be mindful of the impact of our words, especially in a moment of national tension and crisis. I think shes making up threats against her again this is what these people do! They say crazy shit, and then suddenly they claim to be getting death threats to only make things worse.
“Our caucus has called on the Republican leadership and the present Legislature repeatedly to set aside hyperpartisan rhetoric, stop coddling conspiracy theories and condemn threats of violence. Even today, Speaker Chatfield’s decision to summarily remove Representative Johnson from her committee assignments in the final days of the 100thLegislature, and the overheated language of the statement issued by Speaker Chatfield and Speaker-elect Wentworth, illustrates that the Republicans prioritize partisan politics and political theater over healing the wounds of division, preserving the well-being of the Legislature as an institution, protecting the safety of Members, and acting on the needs of the people of Michigan.” – Christine Greig
“Healing the wounds of division” wait the division SHE caused! Nobody asked her to stick her foot in her mouth! She did that on her own. But this is how these people try to do damage control they always spin it so it looks like the other side is being mean.
“The perpetuation of meritless and disingenuous claims of election fraud (here we go with this shit!) without the production of any evidence weeks after the general election continues to fuel an increasingly dangerous and destructive political environment that needlessly removes focus on addressing the significant challenges of the pandemic as it continues to claim the lives and livelihoods of Michiganders across our state and throughout the political spectrum.
There is no place for threats of violence or intimidation in our political discourse. We must end the divisive rhetoric, political theatrics and return civility in our political discourse so we may rightfully and immediately focus on our state’s response to the pandemic and help Michiganders who critically need our bipartisan leadership.” – Christine Greig
Yeah WHILE she says “There is no place for threats of violence or intimidation in our political discourse. We must end the divisive rhetoric, political theatrics and return civility” she covers up for the FACT That Johnson did just what shes telling us we shouldn’t do!? WTF? Lady take a step back because your shit smells, and bad…. Go clean yourself. First there is a lot of proof of election fraud so we know she’s lying! There is lawsuits going on currently and this will end up in the highest court in the land the supreme court… Like it or not Christine and other DemocRATS… The fraud is clear, and with the radical crap she spewed shows that the clear hate she has for our country, and the people in it who voted for Trump in record numbers! Christine Greig is just another sold out crazy leftist liberal communist on the take.
“So, this is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful. Walk lightly. We ain’t playing with you. Enough of the shenanigans. Enough is enough,” Johnson states in the video.
“And for those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. Do it right. Be in order. Make them pay. I love y’all.”
The last few seconds of the video have received considerable attention on social media, and were specifically cited in a press release Wednesday from the Michigan Republican Party. But in the same video, Johnson also calls on supporters to “hit ’em in their pocketbooks” and thanks people for “doing things right and in order.”
Folks we cannot let these people push around the real Americans who love this country, and I don’t care what race, color or religion you are. IF you’re a proud American don’t harm anyone but represent this nation, and make your voices heard. We need to vote people like Christine Greig, and Cynthia Johnson out of office. Send them a clear message that we’re not going to take their shit anymore.