Showing posts with label NASCAR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NASCAR. Show all posts

Sunday, November 7, 2021

The now Woke & disgraced "NASCAR" Condemns ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Chant; Threatens To Sue Use Of Slogan With Its Trademarks!

They can’t sue people for using the ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Chant as it would violate our bill of rights, and they can’t claim trademark at this point this is part of the countries lexicon. They can threaten to Sue all they want but will lose in court everytime.

NASCAR President Steve Phelps has threatened to sue those who use the “Let’s Go, Brandon” slogan on merchandise featuring the NASCAR’s trademarks and has condemned the use of the slogan, claiming that NASCAR does not want to be associated with politics. Which is a lie as they made sure to cater to BLACK LIES MATTER last year. They’re no better then other sports who are sold out to the radicals on the left. Also nobody is using the Nascar logos to chant the slogan of the decade! “LET’S GO BRANDON!”

Phelps said NASCAR will pursue action against any illegal use of its trademarks on merchandise boasting the slogan. Retired baseball star Lenny Dykstra posted a photo on Twitter this week of a man eating breakfast at a New Jersey hotel wearing a black “Let’s go, Brandon” shirt alongside NASCAR’s trademarked color bars.

“We will pursue whoever (is using logos) and get that stuff,” Phelps said. “That’s not OK. It’s not OK that you’re using our trademarks illegally, regardless of whether we agree with what the position is.”

Sunday, August 9, 2020

NASCAR Sided with the terrorists now they are paying the price asRatings Tank!

Think back at how much I myself have spoken about this coming back and biting these sports entities in the ass for all this bullshit against our country? How many times have I not told companies and sports franchises that if they get woke they’re going to go broke? Well friends it’s happening, and in the middle of a pandemic where we all wanted to enjoy some entertainment, sports, and were literally begging for them to return! They decided to shit on our country, flag, and anthem.

I’ve said it countless times, yet they never listen, and the outcome is always the same. The “Silent Majority” Has Spoken… NBA, MLB Suffer Massive Ratings Crash After “Black Lives Matter” Openers now NASCAR after another hoax by Bubba Gutless Wallace you know the dude with the white dad, who thinks he’s 100% and black but he’s not, and who has been pushing Black Lives Matter, Antifa propaganda? Got nothing but problems, and demands and wanted to come into an already troubled sport, and rip off the heritage of the sport, and claim it’s racist! When they promote him like all other drivers, and have shown ZERO racist behavior towards him. YET he demanded they remove the confederate flag, demanded they supported BLM, and created a hoax out of noose to get some more air time with DON LEMONHEAD!

The blame should go to him, and these out-of-touch marketing and PR people that work for these companies always read the “fans” wrong, and if you don’t know who or what your audience is & wants how could you possibly read them? This is how you will lose them everytime! They will turn on you so fast it’ll make your head spin, and that’s what’s happening right now with sports leagues. While this has been one of the hardest years economically for the nation due to the KungFlu you would expect sports on tv of any kind would bring in big ratings! Well nope! This again it’s due to a lack of understanding that just everyone on the left who followed the fake news narrative went haywire, and still are in the same democRAT cities for the most part. The sports PR and marketing people working for these leagues confused progressive elites and how they think and feel with how average middle-class Americans think and feel. Huge and very costly mistake to make.

Nascar is on life support the latest New Hampshire race had the lowest ratings since 1998. NASCAR ratings took a hit on the fullest sports weekend since March. NASCAR Cup Series racing from New Hampshire averaged a 1.4 rating and 2.21 million viewers on NBCSN Sunday, marking the lowest rated edition of the race since at least 1998 and the least-watched since at least 2000.

Brad Keselowski’s win declined 18% in ratings and 21% in viewership from last year (1.7, 2.79M) and a tick and 11% respectively from 2018 (1.5, 2.50M). As recently as five years ago, the race had a comparably strong 2.4 and 3.67 million. The only way that NASCAR can come back from this, is if the league issues a sincere apology to their fan base, saying how sorry they are for making a political mockery of the sport that they love, and Next, Bubba Wallace has to make the same heartfelt apology, and then he should fade into the background, and his name should only be mentioned when absolutely necessary. He needs to denounced Black Lives Matter, and Antifa, and all the hate they spew and the trouble they’re doing to our country. INSTEAD Of being divisive Bubba needs to be a person who brings people together. But he’s not, and he’s part of the problem.

Check out this video below… This guy nails it.

Friday, July 17, 2020

So whats next for Bubba Wallace? The Christian Drivers of course!

So someone needs to make sure they get this memo to Bubba! “Accidents happen, especially in a sport like NASCAR, where sheer speed is important. NOW STOP ACTING LIKE A BITCH!” Bumpers can get clipped, pit crews can miss something in their haste, and garage door pull ropes can be mistaken for nooses. We get it Bubba Wallace Jr., is NASCAR’s only black driver, but he’s also a fucking idiot who after his big “noose” mistake, you’d think he would be a bit more understanding when it comes to accidents. But nope! This guy does this crap to get attention cause he sucks as a driver. Like Colin Kaepernick! Can’t compete so they throw a tantrum, and blame it on race. This folks is being done because these dude are puppets of the domestic terrorists “Black Lives Matter & Antifa.”

This fool is either unwilling or unable to avoid controversy, caught the media’s attention again after getting his car totaled during the NASCAR Cup Series All-Star Open at Bristol Motor Speedway in Tennessee on Wednesday. The All-Star Open is the race that immediately precedes the actual All-Star Race, and some drivers can use the former to qualify for the latter.

Now according to& USA Today, Bubba was evaluated and released from the infield care center. All’s well that ends well, right?

Nope not when you’re literally trying to continue to stir the pot, and cause chaos in your sport. This is all part of the plan, and so! The 26-year-old driver was visibly fuming after the accident, which is totally understandable. His car was totaled, he didn’t finish the All-Star Open, he couldn’t compete in the All-Star Race proper, and he’s missing out on the chance for that race’s $1 million purse.

What’s not nearly as understandable is how Wallace felt compelled to mock the faith of Michael McDowell, the driver who clipped him. “Oh, just disrespect. When you get hooked into the wall … I don’t even need to see a replay. Look at that s—. Yeah, wow,” he said. “People say one of the nicest guys in the garage. Can’t wait for the God-fearing text that he’s going to send me about preaching and praise and respect. What a joke he is.”

That strangely personal attack took aim at not only McDowell’s character but his faith. Some might even describe that attack as discriminatory, which is a bit curious, given Wallace’s recent surge of social justice pontificating. And to be clear, McDowell’s faith is very much a part of who he is. The first thing mentioned in his Twitter profile is “Follower of Jesus.” McDowell also penned a powerful Christian testimony for Motor Racing Outreach. “I could not imagine being married with a child and not knowing Jesus Christ as my lord and savior. The greatest gift is to know that I am not alone in this world and that God has a plan and a place in his kingdom for me and my family,” McDowell wrote. Wallace’s petulant response didn’t just end with a dig at McDowell’s faith. He also left his wrecked bumper at the footstep of McDowell’s hauler.

Even if what McDowell did was intentional, Wallace’s response was far from classy. You can criticize someone without mocking his faith. Wallace could have just called McDowell a joke and left it at that. This wasn’t the first time Wallace let his temper get the best of him. Last year, after another collision he viewed as intentional, he threw a drink in the face of fellow driver Alex Bowman, who was being treated for dehydration, and called him a “b—-.”

In June, after the FBI announced the “noose” in his garage was merely a door pull that had been there for months, Wallace lashed out in an interview with CNN’s Don Lemon. “I’m p—ed,” he said. “I’m mad because people are trying to test my character and the person that I am and my integrity. And they’re not stealing that away from me, but they’re just trying to test that.”

President Donald Trump later criticized the NASCAR driver for his failure to apologize for the “hoax.”

Wallace responded with a message to “the next generation and little ones following my foot steps.” “Your words and actions will always be held to a higher standard than others. … You will always have people testing you,” he wrote. “Seeing if they can knock you off your pedestal. I encourage you to keep your head held high and walk proudly on the path you’ve chosen.” Wallace advised them to “always deal with the hate being thrown at you with LOVE! Love over hate every day.” This guy is more interested in causing problems, and promoting domestic terrorists groups instead of allowing people to just enjoy a race.

By the way check out this interview with his WHITE DAD! How is Bubba a black guy with a white dad? I SEE A Pattern here… Obama, Colin, Bubba! All hate this country all mixed race, and all deny being part white. That’s self hate, and racist…

Thursday, June 25, 2020

NASCAR's Bubba Wallace “Relieved” Garage Noose Was Not Criminal Act

I recently read about this after hearing on the Radio that the FBI had declared this to be not a “criminal Act” as it’s been shown that this is a standard rope to pull down the garage door. This is all a hoax guys, and why? Well Bubba now becomes the FACT of Nascar, becomes a house hold name, and becomes the Colin Kaepernick of the sport.

What’s funny is this is not long after Bubba Wallace lead the march to remove confederate flags from NASCAR, and drove a car with the now domestic terror group #BlackLivesMatter so to quote something I read from somewhere. “Bubba Wallace LIED and NASCAR DIED!!” This is nothing but Joshua Smollett all over again, and it’s all staged by Bubba, and Company. I have no doubt in my mind… Notice how quick he went on all the leftist shows like CNN’s Don Lemonhead!

Looks like I’m not the only one who finds it all to ironic, and isn’t buying this whole thing… Guys this is just more leftist propaganda to spread this narrative for “Black Lives Matter” which at the end of the day is nothing but a sold out group to Antifa who’s ran by people connected, and funded by Soros, and others, and Obama, Biden, Clinton all these people are deep into these movements. The left has gone nuts with pushing it to chaos over the death of career criminal George Floyd who died at the hands of a crazy cop who went too far. Nobody once has come out to defend what the cop did to Floyd, and nobody ever will.

But somehow the Libtards are so bent on making this as bad as possible to over throw the government because they cannot beat Trump in November in a fair, and square election. This is how they start rigging the election guys… The fix is in, and make no mistakes about it, and these people will stop at nothing to continue to try and steal the country, and move it towards a socialist destruction like Venezuela.

This is what’s the outcome, and it’s sad how the average people are falling for this ludicrous charade!