Saturday, February 1, 2025

YouTard James Charles Mocks RFK Jr

There is human garbage and than there are people like this lowlife dirt bag pedophile swamp demon YouTuber James Charles has admitted in the past of sending sexually explicit messages to two 16-year-old boys. Yes he's a complete and uttler pedophile dogshit moron and he tried to defend his actions by saying "I fully understand my actions and how they are wrong," the 21-year-old influencer said in a video posted to his YouTube channel. Those allegations against Charles first emerged on social media earlier in February 2021, the influencer who has 25 million subscribers to his YouTube channel was accused by one teenager of grooming, which Charles denied, saying he flirted with the person because he believed the boy to be 18.

Charles had denied previous accusations, but in video, titled "Holding myself accountable", he admitted wrongdoing. He says there were two incidents one last year and one more recently where he came to be aware that the person he was exchanging messages with was underage. "These conversations should have never happened," Charles said in the 14-minute video. He admitted he could have searched for them on other social media platforms and found their real ages. He also publicly apologised to the boys and said he would take time away from posting on social media to "educate" himself about these issues.

The scandal is not the first time the influencer had faced controversy as back as 2019, he was accused of using "fame and money to try to manipulate someone's sexuality", which he also denied which is a pattern for this one. When addressing why he has been "reckless" in past relationships, he said it's because he's "desperate"... Which to the rest of us means "LOSER" but in a video he made addressing the 2019 accusation, Charles made a promise to be more careful moving forward. Yeah I don't trust him because remember these are only the stuff we find out he done. But I wonder how many times has he done this and never been reported or him called out on it. But with this sort of stuff you would think this fruitcake would tone it down and not want to well make a testicle out of himself but no he's at it again as he's rescently went at RFK Jr for the way he speaks and mocked the man in a video call or some instagram post. Check this moron out and what he said about RFK Jr.

What is sad about this to me is that these leftist and liberals like this dork claim to be the party of unity and love and happiness and yes you see nothing but bitter un happy dildo loving morons like James Charles here. This guy deserves 2 good bitch slaps! First for being who and what he is, and Second for saying this dumb shit on video and actually posting it. 

We could use less morons like this one breathing our air, and consuming our water, and other resources. May the forces that control the universe send James Charles all the bad Karma he deserves for mocking a great man like RFK Jr.

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