Sunday, August 18, 2019

That's 2 Rocketman Trump destroys while President!

So the Fire marshal said that yes Donald Trump’s boast that he smashed pop star’s attendance record at Manchester, NH arena yes it’s TRUE, and so I’d like to say to the other Rocketman!
(Not Kim Jong-un but man look at that hair!) Sorry Elton John, your record isn’t still standing! You have been removed from the bloody throne you sat on. (I don’t want to know why it was bloody but you can use your imaginations there.) But I would like to congratulate
our 45th POTUS Mr Donald Trump for his achievement.

So once again while they tried to say he lied the President as he said at his campaign rally he really broke a longstanding attendance record held by Elton John. ‘Great news!’ the president tweeted after returning from the Southern New Hampshire University Arena to his New Jersey golf resort. ‘Tonight, we broke the all-time attendance record previously held by Elton John at #SNHUArena in Manchester, New Hampshire!’

Manchester Deputy Fire Marshal Mitchell Cady was in charge of keeping count, and he said that Trump was right – that his crowd numbered ‘just over 11,500.’ Calling the president’s tweet ‘a topic of discussion around here,’ Cady revealed that ‘the arena staff said Elton John was around 11,300’ in April 2004. He also said his office estimated that at least 8,000 people stood outside the arena in an overflow crowd area, watching the rally on jumbo TV screens.

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