Showing posts with label STEVE TURLEY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STEVE TURLEY. Show all posts

LATEST POLL: President Trump’s Approval Rating SOARS to 52%

Trump Approval SOARS to 52% as MASSIVE Number of Dems LEAVE the Democrat Party!!! That’s right folks the landslide is happening, and it’s going to be a shocker to those libtards who still think that the DemocRAPS have a chance in this 2020 election.

Check it out the latest poll coming out “The Rasmussen Reports” on the daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove,” writes Rasmussen Reports.

The data shows 39% of those polled “Strongly Approve” of the president’s performance and Donald “The Commander-in-Chief” Trump strong approval rating comes as President Trump’s approval rating among small business owners hits all-time high of 64% which are folks real data, and real numbers, and better than any President in decades.

Check out some of the videos below for more information!

Last year Trump did almost identical numbers as he’s doing this year at this time. Check out a tweet he posted last year.

DR STEVE TURLEY reports on Greta Thunberg CRUMBLING Without Her Script!!!

Dr Steve Turley is someone I’d love to have on as a guest! He’s telling it how it is, and check out how he dissected Greta Thunberg on a video she was in where she’s asked very basic questions, and cannot give a competent answer, and diflects the question away to someone else. She’s a total fraud, and she came off like one in this video.. Don’t miss out folks check out this great video below from Dr Turley.