Sunday, October 1, 2023

Arrest S30 Insurrectionist Jamal Bowman!!!

So it's an Insurrection they want? Looks one male member of the Fraud Squad "Jamal Bowman" ia in the mind set that he's somehow ABOVE THE LAW! Well let's give him a reminder before we continue shall we? His own words.

I couldn't agree more to be clear... Nobody is above the law... Well maybe Steven Segal was in the 90's when he was cool and we didn't know him as the tool he is today. But back to Jamal here. Speaking of tools! How did this house (watch it im not going racial here) representative handle not getting what he wanted?

Well he decided to cry about it and than he pulled the fire alarm... This breaks the same laws that the January 6th 2020 crowd are being charged with. This does include TRUMP! SO With that said it's time the man faces the music and gets his trip to prison.

A good 20 years behind bars should do him so good to cool off and rethink his life.

Remember he said it.... NOT ME! Nobody is above the law. Let's see what others are saying as many are calling for his arrest. I agree there also.

Obstructed official proceedings?

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