Monday, November 1, 2021

WATCH: Biden Asleep During Climate Change Speech; Doesn’t Wake Up Until Staffer wakes Him up

So earlier today on Monday November 1st Creepy rapist and conman & Thief Joe Biden lived up to his nickname of “Sleepy Joe” when he appeared to fall into a deep slumber during a speech at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. This is hilarious folks you have to watch this man nap during important stuff like he has been working so hard. A president who’s spent more time on vacation and sleeping than any other in history. 

But the poopanator who had a reported incident at the Vatican where he shat himself in front of the pope, and had to be rushed to the bathroom to get his dippers cleaned recently starts off in the beginning of the video looking tired and Biden closes his eyes but then reopens them after a few seconds. However, 20 seconds into the video, Biden appears to take a cat nap for about 30 seconds before an aide comes over to wake him up.

The speaker was giving a fear-mongering speech about climate change, saying that the world will be destroyed if we don’t “do something now”. LMAO yeah cause the world which has been here for billions of years is hurting cause of cow farts, and our so called cars? While CHINA is the one doing the most damage in that front we’re the ones who are being help responsible by the radicals and there is no scientific proof at all that we humans have done anything as the planet always has “Climate change” had it not we wouldn’t be here cause we’re on this planet thanks to climate change, and evolution. This is an earthly natural process… Somehow this fact fails to register with these leftist morons.

“I see a generation growing up with fear in their hearts for what the future holds. On behalf of everyone, disabled and non-disabled all around the world, I call on you to commit to concrete actions to stop the destruction of this magnificent planet,” said the speaker. I bet the speaker is a libtard moron! But why wasn’t Biden more interested in this speech? I thought he said Climate Change was one of the most dangerous things we face as a species on this planet? I guess climate change isn’t all that important to the rapist in the oral office I mean, he did fall asleep during the speech afterall. But he sleeps more then he does press as we know the man doesn’t speak to reporters much, and when he does it’s a shit show like the one which happened when he recently met the pope. The head pedophile in a dress over in the Vatican.

Biden had met Pope Francis amidst the G20 summit in Rome and sparked off rumors of a bathroom accident which led to poopy pants Biden trending. Biden, the only second Catholic president in US history to met a Pope or as I call them “A Pedophile in a Dress” he met with Francis on October 29. Biden was in Rome to attend the G20 summit which was from October 30-31. He and his wife, First puta Jill Biden, were greeted by Monseigneur Leonardo Sapienza, who runs the papal household, as well as Gentlemen of His Holiness. After the POTUS’ official visit to the Vatican, word got out that the meeting was unprecedentedly long because he had a ‘bathroom incident’. So how exactly did the hashtag ‘poopy pants Biden’ start trending?

The tweet that apparently set off the rumour mills spinning was by Amy Tarkanian, former Nevada Republican Party Chairwoman and wife of Republican Attorney Danny Tarkanian. “The word around Rome is that Biden’s meeting with the Pope was unusually long because Biden had a bit of a ‘bathroom accident’ at the Vatican & it had to be addressed prior to him leaving,” she wrote. The tweet has since got 22k likes. Although these were unconfirmed rumors, Twitterati ensured that ‘Poopy Pants Biden’ was trending at number 1 in the US. Memes about Biden’s bowel movements flooded the platform in no time. Take a look at few below:

Biden, who is open about his faith if he even remembers what that’s all about as his memory blows in the wind like Kamala when looking to move up in the world and how it gives him strength, has already met Francis three times before but this was their longest and first tete-a-tete since he entered the White House.

They held discussions on climate change and Covid-19. The president also hailed the pontiff as ‘the most significant warrior of peace I have ever met”. And people knew he was up to something as they could smell it in the air. This reminds me of old Jerry Nadless in congress when he pooped his pants. These shitheads can’t keep the shit in their pants. At some point when that starts happening it might be time to retire from public office as it leaves a smelly stain in your public image not to mention the underwear they got on.

Here a reminder of Nadless pooping himself… This is beyond hilarious.

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