Nothing found in latest socialist witch hunt on Trump!

Nothing shocks me anymore but after Nasty Nancy Pelosi lied in congress all of his 4 years, and fake impeached Trump 2 times she decided to try and tie him into the Capitol so called insurrection. What a joke. The results? NO PROOF that Trump or ANYONE had anything to do with anything. SO What was all the bullshit about for the last 5 years? OPTICS and distractions trying to keep us busy with the witch hunt from the WICKED WITCH from SAN FRANSISCO herself! That bag of drunken bones Nasty Pelosi she’s once again humiliated as the investigation turns out NOTHING! Not just 2 fake impeachments, a capitol bullshit lie, a stolen election in 2020 and a lot of murder, riots, and death thanks to the LIBS during the 2020 Summer of CHOP! Yeah folks Pelosi needs to be euphemized like OLD YELLER!

While this cunt allowed all that to happen, and forced it to happen we had the STEAL in 2020 and they took a great President and they formed the real terrorist coup with their lies, and mind fuck of the left morons in this country who bought into the lies they spewed. Much like her fake dentures there isn’t a realistic thing about her that sticks to our POTUS 45. NOW We have the issue in Afghanistan, GAS Prices at new heights, inflation, and they keep throwing our money away for AOC’s Greedy New Deal. These people are evil, and they all belong in prison. WHEN Pelosi dies which I hope is soon as she deserves to meet her maker I will throw a block party and I will celebrate her death. She’s a horrible human if you can even call her that. She’s doesn’t belong in congress, and belongs eating ASS CREAM in hell.

The rest of her liberal idiots out there READ BELOW! Time to come clean, and these people need to be removed! ALL of these leftist racist murderers. They killed burned, rioted, looted, and cost us tax payers 100 Billion in damages last year with their bullshit Atifa & Black Lives matter domestic terrorists! They keep trying to tell us that AFRO/CUBAN/AMERICAN Enrique Tarrio is a nazi white supremist! Folks this from morons who think Shaun King is a black guy, and who think Hunter BIDEN isn’t sold out to China/IRAN/RUSSIA/Taliban. These people are selling us out cus of the CCP take over they want to implement, and this is beyond critical time now. They cannot be trusted and Kamala Harris whos not even African American an also claims she is. Sorry no Jamaica or INDIA in Africa.

This is how they lie and I cannot believe some people actually believe these people. I get it some people are just stupid, and believe whatever bullshit they spew but folks this JAN 6th bullshit and the bullshit now in Afghanistan is enough to warrant a real investigation into their doing. I’m sure they didn’t look at Pelosi or DC Mayor Bow BOW Bowser who told the guards not to help when they were warned or told things might get heated, and this was because they wanted it to happen just like they wanted last year to happen. Remember KAMALA said the riots by BLM/Antifa will continue, and should it’s a movement she said. These people are fucking stupid, and mentally sick.

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