Black Cuban Florida Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio To Do Jail Time

MIAMI – Local Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio must now spend more than five months in jail but why? Now he pleaded guilty to burning a church’s Black Lives Matter flag and bringing rifle magazines to Washington, D.C. days before the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol. Though Tarrio was not in our nation’s capital on the infamous day, the judge said Tarrio’s preceding conduct undermined American democracy. So it’s ok for the Radical left to burn, loot, destroy, and murder in 2020 and get away with it! Oh and burn AMERICAN FLAGS but if one BLM flag gets burned by a BLACK CUBAN Proud boy he needs to spend time in Jail? Why? He wasn’t inside the capitol, and he didn’t break in or have anything to do with what happened. The proud boys also are not agitators on the contrary time, and time again they have only shown up to defend our country from the actual criminals. The Antifa & Black Lives Matter domestic terrorist groups who have been doing the real crime. I would like to note that this is the radical left trying to silence the right and they call a black Cuban man a “White Supremist” this folks is not just hypocrisy it’s total lunacy.

Will it end? Not as long as these communists are sitting in as judges, and are using whatever means possible to silence, and punish anyone who doesn’t follow their illegal, and unjust narrative. He did nothing but burn a flag that belongs to a MARXIST hate group who hates our country, freedoms, and way of life, and who are themselves guilty of murder, and cost this nation in 2020 alone over 150 Billion in damages to not just our cities normal folks, and their homes, and business but also federal buildings. BUT some how they want to put this guy in prison for 5 months. For defending our freedoms, and for standing up for what’s right. This my friends is lunatic, and should not be allowed. 5 Months is enough time to have him beaten, raped, and killed in prison and if you think this isn’t going to happen well think again as I’m sure the far left will make it easy for access to him to be available by anyone who wants to do him harm all in the name of keeping us silent by making an example out of a guy who again did nothing wrong.

While Tarrio acknowledged his actions were “wrong” in Monday’s hearing, DC Superior Court Judge Harold Cushenberry said his remorse was “wholly unconvincing”. Mr Cushenberry added that he believes Tarrio “clearly, intentionally and proudly crossed the line from peaceful protest and assembly to potentially violent conduct”.

The mostly peaceful demonstrations in December ended in isolated scuffles after counter-protests began. Police said that more than three dozen people were arrested and four churches were vandalized. Local police took Tarrio into custody on 4 January, just two days before the Capitol Hill riot on 6 January. Police found weapon magazines in his car during a traffic stop – which led to the second charge.

Ahead of the riot, Tarrio said on the now-defunct social media app Parler that the Proud Boys were planning to “turn out in record numbers on Jan 6” and called its members “the most notorious group of extraordinary gentlemen”. Founded in 2016 by Canadian-British right-wing activist Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys is a far-right, anti-immigrant, all male group with a history of street violence against left-wing groups. Tarrio became a national leader in 2018.

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