This should be the final straw for most!

So the day when the left had spent the most money EVER in this country on a Partisan bill which will not just cripple us now to our enemies but will do so for decades to come. This folks is how they’re passing the “GREEN NEW DEAL” even tho they all once voted against it until they got paid, and now the left are all for it. This should not just make you mad! This should be a call for a real insurrection in the capitol and these people need to be dragged out and tarred and feathered and arrested in the middle of DC. These leftist are selling out our people here, and over seas stuck in Afghanistan and what does Biden do? Makes a joke out of it, and Pelosi robs us blind. This is beyond disgusting folks, and these people need to be brought to justice, and tried for treason.

Biden Tells Reporter ‘You’ll Be the First Person I Call’ If Americans Are Left Behind in Afghanistan… He makes jokes when people are dying overseas, in America of the China BUG and the left are passing bills which doesn’t help US or the people overseas BIDEN left stuck in Afghanistan in anyway.

Joe Blow Biden continued to deflect questions surrounding his withdrawal from Afghanistan Wednesday when the White House turned off the Commander-in-Chief’s microphone as journalists shouted questions about the safety of Americans in Kabul.

“Thank you all very much, and I thank the press for being here. We’re going to go private now,” said the President. “Mister President, what will you do if Americans are still there after the deadline?” pressed one journalist.

The White House turned off JOEY Cracks microphone at that moment. “I asked President Biden what he will do if Americans are still in Afghanistan after the 8/31 deadline,” posted New York Times reporter Peter Alexander. “His response: ‘You’ll be the first person I call.’ Took no questions.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy issued a dire warning after receiving a classified briefing on Afghanistan Tuesday; saying he’s “less confident” all Americans can be evacuated from Afghanistan before the Taliban’s August 31st deadline to remove all US Troops. “I’m less confident after leaving that briefing. There’s no possible way that we can get every American that’s still in Afghanistan out in the next seven days,” McCarthy said. “At no time should America ever bend or allow the Taliban to tell us when we have to stop bringing Americans out. We should stay until every single American is able to get out of Afghanistan. And we should use every recourse possible to make that happen,” McCarthy continued.

JOEY Crack Launches Incoherent 3-Minute Rant Over Whether Americans Can Get Out of Afghanistan and it was disastrous! This man is crazy and this press briefing last Friday when he finally took questions from the media; launching into a three-minute rant about whether Americans can safely reach the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan.“You said there’s no circumstances where American citizens cannot get to the airport. That doesn’t square with the reporting on the ground. Are you saying any American who wants to get to the airport can get there?” asked one reporter.

A report from Reuters highlights the scope of the crisis unfolding in Afghanistan as the agency claims the Taliban now control 2,000 American-made vehicles and between 30 and 40 aircraft. “U.S. officials tell Reuters that the current intelligence indicates that the Taliban control at least 2,000 U.S.-made armored vehicles, between 30 and 40 aircraft and an untold number of small arms,” writes a reporter from the global news agency.

“Joe Biden creates the Taliban Army and Air Force,” posted former Trump official Richard Grenell on Twitter.

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