New clues on how Covid-19 transmits and easy way to prevent catching it!

OK So this man is a Scientist, and a Doctor all rolled into one. And on this day where we can’t go see doctors as often as we would like he’s going to come in handy on his video lessons. Today he let’s us all in on new clues on how Covid-19 transmits and easy way to prevent catching it! And for only a few bucks we all can be sent this amazing product, and use it without caution. As we all know folks the face masks are bullshit. They simply don’t work, and forget coughing into your arm.

All this does is get your arm sick. So let’s follow along in this video, and pay close attention folks… This might save your life…. I kid you not. Thank you Dr. Joe Burris for your hard work, and dedication to helping save lives during this horrible time in our nation. Thank you for showing us the way we must face our future from now on.

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From this day forward we should rename it with instead of saying “cover your jimmy” we should say “protect your Joe.”

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