Showing posts with label nanotechnology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nanotechnology. Show all posts

Why isn't this being covered amist of this CoronaVirus outbreak??

Back in January it was reported that the U.S. government had charged two Boston-area professors with lying about their contacts with the Chinese government, and a third with allegedly attempting to smuggle biological research out of the U.S. Charles Lieber whose been at Harvard for around 30 years and is very prominent in his field is the chair of Harvard’s chemistry and chemical biology department. It is no coincidence that a bio researcher sets up a lab in Wuhan the site of the CoronaVirus outbreak.

He leads a research group at the university which deals with nanotechnology also everything from biology and medicine to energy and computing. Officials say that since 2008, he has received more than $15 million in research grants from the U.S. government, so those would be from the National Institutes of Health and the Defense Department. Those funds require you to disclose any ties, particularly financial ties, to foreign universities and foreign governments.

Remember folks this is from JANUARY, and it should bring up thoughts about well who created this virus, why, and how did it come out CHINA out of places, and why has the mainstream media ignored this for over a month now!? After GreatGameIndia reported on the investigation on Chinese agents involved in a Biological Espionage case at a Canadian lab suspected to be behind the recent Coronavirus outbreak, now another Chinese Biowarfare agents at Harvard University have been caught smuggling deadly viruses from America.

The criminal complaint filed in Boston says that Lieber secretly signed a contract in 2011 with a Chinese university to guide research at that institution. He didn’t tell Harvard about that. He also allegedly signed on to be part of something known as China’s Thousand Talents Plan. U.S. officials say that this is a Chinese government program that is designed to, essentially, lure American researchers, American scientists into sharing their expertise with China. The complaint has copies of both of these agreements that Lieber allegedly entered into with China. And he was well-compensated by the Chinese for this. The complaint says that he was paid up to $50,000 a month. He got some $150,000 per year in addition to that for living expenses, more than a million dollars in funding for a lab in China.

Now, his current legal predicament, though, comes from allegedly lying about all of this when asked about it by Pentagon investigators and the National Institutes of Health because remember; grants from the Pentagon and NIH require that you disclose collaboration with foreign researchers.

The third case is against a Chinese woman who is conducting research at Boston University, and the allegations against her include that she lied on her visa form to hide the fact that she is a Chinese military officer. The feds reviewed her electronic devices and found that she had done research on U.S. military projects and was compiling information on two U.S. scientists who specialized in robotics and computer science.

The other case is against a Chinese man who had been doing cancer cell research at a Boston medical center. He was stopped at Logan Airport back in December. Federal agents found 21 vials of biological materials squirreled away in a sock in his luggage. He originally told agents he didn’t have anything in his bags, later admitted that he was trying to take the vials to China to do his own research.

So 3 cases is it a coincidence that they were all announced at the same time? Is there a bigger picture here? Well, the bigger picture these cases involve nanotechnology, robotics, chemistry, biomedical research. The U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts Andrew Lelling said that this is not an accident or coincidence.

ANDREW LELLING: “This is a small sample of China’s ongoing campaign to siphon off American technology and knowhow for Chinese gain.”

LUCAS: “So American officials are really trying to push back against what they say is the Chinese government’s relentless efforts to steal U.S. intellectual property, U.S. research and trade secrets. They say China is deliberately targeting high-tech fields like the ones we talked about today, and they say China is using traditional intelligence officers but also businessmen, researchers and, yes, academics to try to get their hands on this stuff.”

Also take a look at these videos dealing with some of the spying going on from China… Trump told us all about this, and they called him a racist. Maybe now the Anti Trump folks will start to listen to the President a bit more when he speaks.