Showing posts with label TRADE DEAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TRADE DEAL. Show all posts

BIGGEST Trade deal in history with China! DONE! Well almost...

Well folks a historic agreement between the USA, and China after two years of them trying to come to terms phase 1 of the deal is now signed as you can see in the photo, and video. This folks is big… Watch the videos I posted here, and really get clued in at how big this is, and brilliant this is for our country, and economy. No longer will China rape us like Obama allowed them too. I think we all know who we should, and will vote for in the upcoming elections.

The pact, detailed in a 94-page document, is only the initial phase of a broader deal that Trump has said may come in as many as three sections.

“Together, we are righting the wrongs of the past,” Trump said in a pomp-filled signing ceremony. “It doesn’t get any bigger than this.”

President participates in a signing ceremony of an agreement between the United States and China. The pact, detailed in a 94-page document, is only the initial phase of a broader deal that Trump has said may come in as many as three sections.

Read it here: #FoxNews