Showing posts with label Stephen Ross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stephen Ross. Show all posts

Miami Dolphins Owner Stephen Ross is a good man!

Miami Dolphins Owner Stephen Ross who’s been a great owner, and has had bad luck that he’s had bad coaching, and front office over the years here in Miami but he’s a solid man, and has been someone not shy from spending his money to help fix the team or win more games over his time as owner, and is someone I have tons of respect for even if the team has been a major let down for decades now. EVEN before he owned them, and so it comes as to now shock that he’s a conservative, as most people who own major sports teams, and some major businesses are. He’s also a big Trump supporter, and so much so he decided to hold a Fundraiser for President Trump!

Terrence K. Williams posted a funny video about this on Twitter which really does make fun at how stupid these players are, and I stand with Terrence… These players are idiots! They’re demanding that Ross gives his ownership to his black players over this. Now come on people why is it that every liberal in the NFL or sports are now crying like babies over everything dealing with Trump? As “Terrence K. Williams” said in his video!

They are going on a workout hunger strike demanding a Boycott of Equinox and SoulCycle fitness clubs owned by Ross. This is beyond madness folks! This is what happens when you let the inmates gain power. The players who boycott need to be removed from the NFL, and replaced by people who want to play football, and not get into stupid racially motivated feuds with the owner over who he/she might support.

Thankfully we have good people like Mr Ross owning a team, and I wish him, and his future nothing but the best. Hope he will get this all straightened out, and he needs to make an example of these players, and fire whoever wants to act like a moron brainwashed child, and this includes coaches, and anyone in the front office. IF you can’t handle who the owner supports then quit or be fired. Easy as that.

Ross, whose net worth Forbes estimates at $7.7 billion, is also chairman of Related Companies, which is behind the $25 billion Hudson Yards mega-development in New York City.

Both Equinox and SoulCycle are facing social media backlash for Ross’ ties to Trump, with members threatening to take their business elsewhere. Equinox has not responded to multiple requests for comment.

Equinox and SoulCycle posted letters on Instagram addressing the backlash. Both state Ross is a “passive investor” and “not involved” in directing the company. (Ross is, however, the chairman of parent company Equinox Holdings.) Among the voices calling out Equinox on Twitter are Philippe Reines, Hillary Clinton’s former top adviser, actor Billy Eichner, celebrity Chrissy Teigen, and #GrabYourWallet founder Shannon Coulter. (#GrabYourWallet is dedicated to listing brands to avoid for those who are anti-Trump.)

Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner are among the Trump administration officials to attend Friday, according to the Washington Post.
It’s quite common for the uber-wealthy to donate to political campaigns. But given the fraught division between Republicans and Democrats, such donations are under much closer scrutiny.

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A note from our CEO.

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Ross who has founded Related Companies since 1972 and employs over 2,000 people in offices all over the world. Besides Hudson Yards, Ross developed Manhattan’s $1.8 billion Time Warner Center. In total, Related has developed $30 billion of real estate globally, including in California, Shanghai, and Abu Dhabi. Mr Ross donated $462,000 to campaigns in the last election cycle; about 93% went to Republicans.