Showing posts with label Soccer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soccer. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Hope Solo vs Megan Rapinoe!

Hope Solo your our only hope… Wait sorry this is about the Olympics not Star Wars,,, But check this out Hope Solo is not on the same page with her former U.S. Women’s National Team player Megan Rapinoe’s political activism and accused the famous midfielder of “bullying” fellow team members into taking a knee at games.

In a recent interview with soccer website for its program “All of US: The U.S. Women’s Soccer Show,” Solo said she didn’t agree with the current USWNT captain’s decision to bring politics onto the pitch. “I think the rhetoric surrounding this team has been both divisive and inclusive. I guess it’s kind of where we are in politics in this day and age,” Solo said. Megan Rapinoe who has become the laughing stock of womans Soccer, and of American sports. She who just got a gig with Subway! So wait Subway who once had that pedophile guy as their spokes person now has some ugly lesbo who hates America as the new spokes person. Subway need an entire new MARKETING department.

Hope said “I think the kneeling thing can be very divisive. I’ve seen Megan Rapinoe almost bully players into kneeling because she really wants to stand up for something in her particular way. “Solo was referring to ongoing controversy within the USWNT and larger U.S. Soccer Federation regarding how teams are required to conduct themselves during the national anthem at games. Rapinoe and several other current USWNT opted to kneel during the anthem in games last year, but not everyone decided to do so including forward Carli Lloyd.

Right now it’s not clear what Solo is talking about regarding watching Rapinoe bully people is accurate but it wouldn’t shock me as Rapinoe is just looking for more fame, and she thinks this will get it I guess. I don’t get what her issue is she’s an open lesbian who’s made Millions playing a sport, and being a spokesperson for Subway! She should be thankful she’s American and not from a middle eastern country where being who she is she would possible be dead by now, and if she hates America so much she can go live in the CCP… There’s evidence to prove that clearly not everyone on the USWNT was “bullied” into kneeling at games because a few players opted to still stand some are saying but I don’t buy it since people decided not to let themselves be bullied doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. But yeah we don’t have a smoking gun as proof that these players were bullied by why would Hope Solo say it then? Now yes none of these people faced backlash privately or publicly for not taking a knee..

We also know that Hope hasn’t played on the USWNT with Rapinoe since the year she retired in 2016. The two were teammates from 2006-2016, though and Solo was the team’s preferred starter and overall an outstanding keeper since 2005. But perhaps she’s had inside info from other players? I mean this is just coming out so where can this story go? No idea but with all the stuff happening in the world thanks to the crooks in the white house now, and the fact that Rapinoe who looks like a member of Antifa we can’t put this past her cuz these people are sick, twisted communist/socialist/Marxist assholes.

“For players that are standing I would say, continue to educate yourself,” Rapinoe previously told Goal. “Continue to educate yourself on the racial history in the country and continue to challenge yourself on why you’re standing, and why you’re putting maybe your personal beliefs over something like this that is so pressing to so many people.”

She fails to understand that people are going to be racist no matter what country you’re in… So her ideology doesn’t make sense! She literally lives in the least racist country but she’s making us to be the worst. Again if she hates this country she needs to take a hike.

We know that the team agreed they’d all stand for the anthem at games back in February. “Those that were collectively kneeling felt like we were kneeling to bring about attention to police brutality and systemic racism, and I think we decided that moving forward we no longer feel the need to kneel because we are doing the work behind the scenes,” winger Crystal Dunn said at the time. “We never felt we were going to kneel forever, so there was always going to be a time that we felt it was time to stand.”

Rapinoe, who was named one of Time Magazine’s most influential people last year, doesn’t shy away from making her political views known. Rapinoe is one of the leading voices in the USWNT’s ongoing legal battle for pay equity and a frequent outspoken critic of former president Trump. But remember this is how sick these people are! While she hates Trump and is saying this crap about this country and how racist it is but yet they voted for an actual pedophile racist pervert like Joe Biden! And his VeePee Kamala Harris who’s a racist, and who comes from a family that owned slaves in Jamaica.. But these are the people the left wants, and yet they call conservatives racist’s?

So I think that what Hope Solo said might be very true… Rapinoe is trying to become the female lesbian version of Colin Kaepernick from the looks of it. Hope she loses her entire career like he did. Neither of them two belong in the spotlight as they’re a disgrace to our country and the human race in general.

Monday, June 15, 2020

President Trump said he will not watch games if players do not stand for the national anthem

As you read in the headline President Trump said he will not watch games if players do not stand for the national anthem. I stand with him on this because to continue down this path is Anti American. In this country we have our freedom of speech, expression, and riots to peaceful protests. But the FLAG & Country you must protect, and honor. This is our land, and that is our flag. And the Anthem is something everyone can stand behind, and protect. People of all race, religions, and backgrounds.

I’m done with sports for a very long time, and will not be watching regardless… A lot of these players are Socialist extremists, and idiots. Guess what? I’m not missing not having sports to be honest! Or even new movies from PedophileWood. All they turn out is garbage these days anyway.

United States President Donald Trump has said he will not watch National Football League (NFL) or U.S. soccer team matches if players do not stand for the national anthem.

The U.S. Soccer Federation last week said it had dropped its requirement that players stand during the anthem, saying the policy was wrong and detracted from the Black Lives Matter movement.

The policy was adopted in 2017 after U.S. women’s national team member Megan Rapinoe took a knee during the anthem before a game, in solidarity with NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who knelt to call attention to racial injustice.