Showing posts with label Herman Cain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herman Cain. Show all posts

Herman Cain died of COVID-19, Thursday! REST IN PEACE!

Sad news guys today we lost once Presidential Candidate Herman Cain who died of Covid 19 after about a month or so of fighting the virus. He had been hospitalized for COVID-19 near Atlanta since earlier this month, with Newsmax, where he hosts a weekly show ‘Herman Cain’s America,’ saying he had been put on a ventilator.

Cain attended Trump’s disastrous June 20th rally in Tulsa, where eight members of the advance team tested positive for the coronavirus and the campaign staff had to self-isolate afterward in case of infection.

It’s not known if he got the virus at the event, before or after it but the dates, and those around did test positive. Which is sad because he was a great American. Herman Cain ran for President in the past, and could have made a heck of a good President. Shame he lost to Obama.

Sadly his age didn’t help in his fight, and at 74, Cain was in the high-risk group for the virus because of his age. He’s also a cancer survivor in 2006, Cain had a diagnosis of stage 4 colon cancer, which also had spread to his liver.

He tweeted a photo of himself in the stands with the words: ‘Here’s just a few of the #BlackVoicesForTrump at tonight’s rally! Having a fantastic time!’

His staff said in a statement there is ‘no way to know for sure how or where Mr. Cain contracted the coronavirus.’

He tested positive on June 29 and was hospitalized on July 1.

Cain was not wearing a mask nor following social distancing protocols in the photo from the Tulsa event. But again it’s not known where he got the virus, and given his past cancer, and health issues it’s easy to understand how this could happen. The rally, which only had 6,200 attendees in an event space that could hold 19,000 did not turn into the campaign comeback the Trump team had hoped for, and while it’s about 10X what Biden has ever drawn in the past before the virus!

Trump postponed it by one day when it was originally scheduled for Juneteenth, the day that slavery officially ended in the U.S.

Having the rally in Tulsa was also controversial, because the city had one of the worst race riots in the country in 1921. That anniversary had just passed on May 31. Additionally, an outdoor speech the president was scheduled to give for those who couldn’t make it into the BOK Center, where the rally took place, was canceled when he was in route to Tulsa because the expected overflow crowds never materialized.

The Trump campaign bragged they had given away 1 million tickets but many of those were online tricksters, who signed up for the free tickets but had no intention of attending. Trump was reportedly furious when he saw the sea of empty blue seats waiting for him that night although the White House denied any anger on his part. And he was criticized for using the racist phrase ‘Kung flu’ when talking about COVID-19.

Additionally, the Washington Post reported that videos and photos emerged showing that before the rally, workers removed thousands of ‘Do Not Sit Here, Please!’ stickers from seats in the BOK Center that were intended to mark recommended distances between attendees.

The president came under fire for holding a rally as coronavirus cases were rising in Oklahoma and several states as the reopening process picked up. Few attendees wore masks or socially distanced. Local health officials on the ground cautioned against the rally and a group of businesses sued to stop it a legal move that failed. But yet they had no issues with riots, and protests going on. Sad how there is a double standard, and so far not many others have died from the people who went with Cain that we know off. So I think this was more about his health PRE Covid19, and his age which added to his death. But time will tell as more info comes out.

Cain, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza and former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, ran for the 2012 presidential nomination. His catchy 9-9-9 tax plan and strong debate performances made him a serious contender. But, in November 2011, he faced allegations of sexual misconduct – all which he denied – and suspended his campaign in December. Cain had been accused by two women of sexual harassment when he served as CEO of the National Restaurant Association in the late 1990s. Later two more women came forward. Cain acknowledged that the restaurant organization made financial settlements to the complainants but denied any wrong doing. But his campaign was not able to recover from the scandal.

In April 2019, Trump considered Cain for an appointment to the Federal Reserve Board but he withdrew himself from consideration, Sadly he’s now gone, and so may he rest in peace, and our condolences to the whole Cain family.