Friday, December 1, 2023

LOL: CNN forced to admit the truth after it was EXPOSED LIVE!!!!!!!

So Communist News Network or CNN as it's mostly known is finally having the egg thrown at them land right in their dirty lying faces as they are now FORCED to admit something they've been lying about for months, and heck years at this point.  Seems like they can't continue this lie now that it's become an issue even in BLUE STATES! Even they're mad at this b/s since the bus loads of illegals started to show up taking their state over and filling it with crime, and a bunch of illegals who are connected to both drugs, and human trafficking.

While they were all for open borders and lied to cover it up when it was Biden having people shipped off to Republican states now that the tides turned the big bad CNN and the left are feeling the pressure and can't continue down the yellow brick road of lies. Or as we America 1st citizens have been saying for years about CNN and these leftists propaganda filled liars.

The Throne of lies is crumbling on them faster than a speeding bullet! This is hilarious folks.. You can't write comedy movies this funny even if you had the best writers in Hollyweird.

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