Tuesday, June 27, 2023


So while Capping the Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority 2023, former President Donald Trump spoke to a raucous and adoring crowd, stopping to note the previous presidential candidates who spoke during the three-day event did not get the same reception.

"No president has ever fought for Christians as hard as I have, and I will keep on fighting. And I'll fight hard until I'm back behind that desk in the Oval Office, as the president," Trump said Saturday night in Washington, D.C., then Trump turned to Ralph Reed, founder and chairman of coalition. "Hey, Ralph. I have to ask Ralph a question: Were your other candidates treated this way?" Trump asked. "I don't think so"... "Actually, I saw one who was booed off the stage."

The candidate who was booed was former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has entered the 2024 GOP presidential primary campaign and taken an anti-Trump stance. Pretty much issuing in his Republican cards and showing he's just a SPINLESS SWAMP RINO. But we known this about this SLOB for a long time. So this guy thinks he's got a chance? Honestly no way in hell will this country or any for that matter vote in someone like Chris Christie. He's not loyal, a liar, an idiot and looks like he will have a massive stroke or heart failure of some kind at any moment. 

"But you know the greatest honor is in my case: You feel this way because we went through four great years," Trump added. "We did things that nobody thought could be done.

"So when you do feel this way, I really feel good," Trump continued, "because that means you accepted and loved what we did, and that four years we did more than probably any and many people say this more than any president." Remember folks the left is trying everything including now on the table possible death sentence to stop Trump from running. He's the only man I trust. The GOP needs to stand behind him and these people who think they have a chance just simply don't get it. 

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