Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Joe Biden just sang Happy Birthday to MLK III's wife and straight up forgot her name lmfao😂

Ok folks so this video is hilarious! But that's not all friends as our elderly nutty mentally ill Potus CCPuppet Joe Biden's Tax Returns Disappeared? What?

Well this is what we Know is that Tucker Carlson accused Joe Biden of trying to hide the public records of his tax returns after noting that some have disappeared from the president's campaign website.

During Monday night's episode of his primetime show, Carlson alleged that Biden has taken steps to hide where he gets his wealth from while pointing to how his tax returns from 2016 to 2018 are no longer available to view. 

While links on JoeBiden.com to the president's federal and Delaware tax returns from 2019 can still be viewed, the ones from 2016 to 2018 now redirect to a Democrat donations page.

"Joe Biden has never had a private sector job. For more than 50 years, he has worked at your expense for the U.S. government. Yet somehow he's gotten rich in the process" Carlson said on Monday night. "How did that happen? 

How did Joe Biden do that? Well, Joe Biden does not want you to know. So now, this is the great part. Joe Biden is the one who is hiding his tax returns.

"Joe Biden.com no longer links to Joe Biden's tax returns for the years 2016 to 2018. As of tonight, those links have been deactivated. If you go there, you will find yourself taken by force to a Democratic party fundraising website. So in other words, stop asking questions and give us money," Carlson said. 

Despite Carlson's claims the links were recently removed, the internet archive site Wayback Machine shows the financial disclosure section of Biden's website, which also included the 2019 returns of Vice President Kamala Harris, were no longer available to view from July 2022, by which point the page links redirected to ActBlue, the Democrat Party's donation page. 

Carlson also suggested the links have been removed online while pushing the disputed claim that it may be due to the president's son, Hunter Biden allegedly paying nearly $50,000 a month in rent while living at Biden's home in Wilmington, Delaware in 2018.

While the 2016 to 2018 tax return links from Joe Biden's campaign website do appear to no longer be available, it is unclear why they have been altered.

The timing of Carlson discussing the links no longer being available raises questions, given the scrutiny Biden's predecessor Donald Trump received for withholding his financial records for years. The disclosures.org website, which keeps records on the financial documents released by American politicians, still houses Biden's 2016-2018 returns.

In September 2020, Biden made public the previous 22 years of his tax returns ahead of the first presidential debate against Trump.

All these tax returns, from 1998 to 2020, are available to view as part of an archive maintained by Tax Notes.

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