Tuesday, August 31, 2021

"Stand before God’ Roy demands Pelosi bring Biden officialson to Afghanistan

ONCE More Texas stands up to the wicked witch of the west, and the Biden/Harris misadministration which are destroying our country from within like a Trojan Horse! This time Republican Rep. Chip Roy sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday demanding that President Joe Biden and top officials in his administration “stand before God and the American people” for the “shamefully botched exit from Afghanistan” by testifying in front of Congress. Now remember to Biden GOD is well “YOU KNOW THE THING!” These people Don’t care about “GOD” they don’t care about human lives, and they don’t care about this country or our rule of law. So you think they will even listen? No but Roy said that “While hamstrung and effectively abandoned by their leadership in Washington, our heroic military service members did the best they could as they always do to save as many lives as possible. Notably, those efforts were supplemented by private citizens who stepped up when our own administration officials walked away,” Roy wrote in the letter, first shared with the Washington Examiner.

Directly to Biden, Roy said that Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, and national security adviser Jake Sullivan should resign. This we can all agree with. As it is we don’t have a real President/VP or Speaker these are all con artists sold out to the evil enemies of this nation so they should resign or removed from office by military force and brought to justice.

“But, they should not be allowed to simply resign and slink off into the night. Nor should they get by with a rushed impeachment that might risk the solemnity deserved. Rather, they must stand before God and the American people, answer for their actions, and then be punished as appropriate through impeachment, court martial, or otherwise consistent with the law,” Roy said.

His opposition to a “rushed impeachment” stands in contrast to a wave of his colleagues who have called for Biden’s impeachment. Roy’s questions for the president and his administration include how many Americans were left behind in Afghanistan and in what condition; why the United States abandoned Bagram Air Base; why large amounts of military equipment were left behind and in the hands of the Taliban; why the U.S. relied on the Taliban for security around Kabul airport; and whether the U.S. left behind a database of Afghan allies or provided the Taliban directly with the names of Americans and allies.

“While we don’t yet know the answer to these and other questions in full, we do know that the Taliban is now stronger than ever before,” Roy said. “And we know that the Taliban is flying around a U.S. helicopter hanging someone who may well be one of our allies over Kabul.”

“Madam Speaker, you have a duty to call Congress back to Washington and begin hearings immediately,” Roy said. But she won’t she’s too busy gloating over her ICE Cream, and getting praised by leftist morons who think her dentures are clean from all the wrong doing. She’s as guilty as BIDEN/HARRIS and the rest of the people. Pelosi is an evil moron who deserves to be in prison herself for many crimes done to the country, and our rule of law.

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