Wednesday, February 3, 2021

It's cold I know but "Rashida Tlaib Finally says something smart!" Has hell frozen over?

She needs to help impeach the real “Motherfucker” JOE Lying BIDEN!

I will say this, and it’s about the only good thing I will probably ever say about “Rashida Tlaib” she’s at least calling out Biden, and company for messing around with the stimulus checks they promissed, and lied about.

She linked to a story about the White House considering lowering the income requirement for receiving stimulus checks, something some experts have reportedly criticized because the decision would be based on data from 2019, before the shutdowns knocked the economy off its feet.

Tlaib tweeted: “Using 2019 income data totally ignores the economic destruction of the pandemic and eliminates the promise to bring relief as was repeated nonstop in the campaign to win Georgia.”

She and other members of “The Fraud Squad” a group of six Democratic extremely progressive members of the House have been insisting on $2,000-“survival checks” to help stunt the continued financial devastation wrought by the coronavirus shutdowns.

On Monday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki issued a statement explaining that the president told Republican senators during a meeting that their relief proposal didn’t do enough to address the crisis. Which means he’s still stalling, and refuses to give out the 2K checks he promissed. But we know JOE is a conman, and known liar.

“He reiterated … that he will not slow down work on this urgent crisis response, and will not settle for a package that fails to meet the moment,” Psaki said of Biden. IN Other words good luck folks you aint getting shit.

According to The Washington Post on Tuesday, a White House spokesman said that Biden “remains committed to finishing the job on delivering $2,000 in direct relief to Americans who are struggling to make ends meet during this crisis.” Yeah which he and Pelosi will never hand out… They don’t want to help Americans. Only destroy us, and our country.

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