Wednesday, February 3, 2021

GOP House members will attempt to oust Rep. Ilhan Omar from her committee assignments!

Fox News reports that GOP House members will attempt to oust Rep. Ilhan Omar from her committee assignments after it is announced that the House will meet to consider removing Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green from hers. This is long overdue as this bitch Omar belongs in prison, and not anywhere near congress. She’s evil, hates America, and our way of life. She’s proven to be nothing but an anarchist of the evil socialist left, and she needs to be in prison.

She cheated on her brother aka husband and brought them both here illgally, and made fun of those dead on 911. She’s a total socialist/communist and we need to remove ALL these Socialist/Communists from our country. Her, AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Nasty Pelosi, Chucky Schummer, Adam Schiffty Schiff, Jerry Nadless, Eric Swallowswell, and the rest of the con artists on the left.

Remember folks this moron back last year appeared to Endorse Riots That Have Destroyed Lives and Businesses in Minneapolis. In a video tweeted by The Hill Sunday, Democrat “squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar (Minn.) endorsed the riots that have destroyed countless lives and businesses over the past three months. Omar is speaking in the video to her constituents.

Reading from a script, Omar calls the riots “an ongoing uprising over centuries of racial neglect and oppression.” She added that “we maintain a system that grinds millions into desperate poverty.” She further calls for a socialist system to replace our open capitalist system. Omar’s ingratitude to the country that saved her and her family is staggering.

According to her official biography, the first-term Democrat was born in the capital of Somalia, Mogadishu, which had been ravaged by “uprisings” from warlords and terrorists after its government collapsed in 1991. Children were being taken by the rival militias, armed with guns and a powerful local drug called “khat,” and made to fight in the horrific gang war. An estimated 500,000 Somalis died in the street wars, and about 1.5 million fled.

Omar and her family escape Somalia’s chaos and spent a few years in a refugee camp in Kenya. They arrived in the United States in 1995 and were given refugee status due to the violence, bloodshed, and piracy that were and remain rampant in her native land.

American troops attempted to save Somalia from its warlords in the early 1990s under the aegis of an international United Nations relief mission. But after the bloody Battle of Mogadishu, Oct. 3-4, 1993, the U.S. and the U.N. rethought the mission and eventually withdrew. Nineteen Americans selflessly died in the “Black Hawk Down” battle, in the attempt to bring order to Omar’s native land. They ranged in age from 20 to 45 and were from all over the United States, and included black, white, and Hispanic Americans.

The land Omar blames for oppression, the United States, allowed her to become a full citizen at the age of 17. Just 16 years later voters the oppressive land she hates elected her to the Minnesota statehouse, and in 2018, elected her to represent Minnesota’s fifth district in the U.S. House of Representatives. She has spent her term in Congress denouncing America, while she has also broken up a marriage and is accused of flouting campaign finance law by paying her political consultant, who is now her husband. Omar may also have once married her own brother.

To arrive a penniless refugee on our shores and within a few years be a citizen, a college graduate, and then elected to public office is to no reasonable mind evidence of oppression.

The riots Omar endorses are not popular even in the city she represents, Minneapolis. When those riots first broke out in late May and early June, citizens of Minneapolis begged for police and the National Guard to restore order. By May 29, more than 170 businesses many of them either minority-owned or which served minority communities had been destroyed, just in nearby St. Paul.

The riots have continued, especially in Portland, Ore., ever since and about 30 Americans have been killed in the riots Omar endorses, and dozens more have been injured. During her short time in Congress, Omar and her fellow far-left “squad” members have captured the ideological energy of the Democratic Party, and have done nothing but hurt our country with each passing word of hate that spews out of their un wise minds. These people belong in prison.

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