Saturday, August 22, 2020

It's a fight!! 🥊Alyssa Milano & 🍦Joe Biden 🤼 🥊Rose McGowan & 🦋Tara Reade

Folks this is one of the best beef I’ve seen since Tupac vs Biggie, Canibus vs LL Cool J, Ali vs Foreman, Eminem vs Elton John, 50Cent vs Ja Rule, 50Cent vs Rick Ross, 50Cent vs GAME, 50Cent vs his son, (A LOT of other 50Cent beefs) Luke vs Vader! Oh, and Batman vs Superman! (That one’s for you Zodwriter!)

But in this beef I think I’ve fallen in love with Rose McGowan all over again! She’s on some real shit… Oh my lord! And as we all know she was 100% on the money on Harvey Weinstein, and right now Rose who for a moment in time we all thought had lost her mind seems to be the last actress in Hollywood with an actual mind! She not only has redeemed herself but she’s actively destroying one of the most evil cunts in Hollywood in Alyssa Milano! By the way I can call her a Cunt since this is an opinion. Based on my own observations of Milano she’s a total cunt.

But someone who deserves our total respect is “Tara Reade” the lady who’s life was ruined by Joe Biden, and Alyssa Milano… What a real strong lady who’s bringing light to what she went through, and letting the world know the real evil that lurks in the inner soul of the man I call “Sniffing, Hiding Joe Biden!” Check out this incredible exchange on twitter guys. This fight is going to become intense! And this I hope sheds more light into the dark inner world of what Biden, and others have done, and are doing to this world.

Thank you Alyssa Milano for being so stupid you accidentally wanting fame not just destroyed whatever you had left of an acting career but you are helping to expose what a hypocrite, and liar, and con artist YOU ARE! And that you have had the stone face to speak on other men when you have endorse the evil that is Joe Biden.

Bless Tara Reade for being such an inspiration to women everywhere… She’s had to live with what happened to her for years, and instead of sweeping it under the rug she’s fought hard to help expose these evil forces which have demonized and raped children, and woman in not just Hollywood, and Washington but globally.

But the drama isn’t over yet folks! This is too good to be true but it’s happening… Rose is destroying Alyssa Milano.

Without a doubt the best way to visually show how bad this beat down is…

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