Tim Scott explodes on Nasty Pelosi for ‘Most Outrageous, Sinful Comment’ about GOP!

SEN. TIM. SCOTT: It was the most outrageous, sinful comment I’ve heard as a public official period. I thought to myself that how in the world does this woman sitting, standing in front of a twenty-four thousand dollar refrigerator have the sense to jump into the bottomless pit of race politics? Why in the world would she want to do that? There’s only one answer, by the way. One answer. It’s because she’s lived so long in a state of privilege that she has forgotten.

That is the Republican Party that voted more for the civil rights era legislation than the Democrats. It’s because she’s forgotten that it was President Trump and the criminal justice reform done in 2018 that made it for the Democrats 1994 crime bill. She’s forgotten. That is the school choice movement that frees more kids in poverty from the poor education system brought to us by the Democrats and the teachers unions than they’ve ever seen. She has forgotten so much about reality that she spends too much time in an alternate universe.

But the facts are simple. Why in the world would she stoop so low? And is simply this they believe. I truly believe this. They believe that campaigning on police brutality is more important than solving police reform.

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