Rep. Ayanna Pressley has lost her mind! + What is ACTBLUE?

Black lives Matter is a political party aimed to not just RIG the 2020 election or to over throw the 2016 election. This political party is aimed to destroy the country they hate while us normal citizens love.

They are not standing up for black people or racism like this Fraudulent bald chick Rep. Ayanna Pressley is claiming.

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The facts, and numbers DO NOT back up her lies about police only looking to kill Black people.

This is a lie, and she knows it.

The fact is ANYONE who is dumb enough to fight, beat up or shoot a cop, and is killed in the cops own self defense is not someone we should cry over. What happened to Brooks in Atlanta was justifiable, and the ONLY crime there is that the COPS got arrested.

  • Rep. Ayanna Pressley and her Fraud Squad are the problem, and BLM, Antifa, KKK these are all institutions of hate. You know this is all for money, and power, and left doesn’t want to lose it. Check out what this stupid racist had to say.
  • PRESSLEY: Madam Speaker, I rise today on behalf of every Black family that has been robbed of a child. On behalf of every family member that has been forced to see their loved one lynched on national television. Driving while Black. Jogging while Black. Sleeping while Black. We have been criminalized for the very way we show up in the world.Under the harsh gaze of far too many, my Black body is seen as a threat, always considered armed.
    Centuries of institutionalized oppression will not be undone overnight, for racism in America is as structural as the marble pillars of this very institution. With the power of the pen we must legislate accountability, dismantle these systems, and move in the direction of justice and healing.

    The Justice in Policing Act is a critical step forward and I applaud the leadership of the Congressional Black Caucus. But our work is unfinished. There is a rallying cry in communities across the nation.

    Black Lives Matter is a mandate from the people. It’s time. Pay us what you owe us.

    Our Black skin is not a crime, it is the beautiful robe of nation builders.

    Thank you, I yield.

In other news!


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