Showing posts with label Sarah Taylor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Taylor. Show all posts

Monday, May 24, 2021

This is hard to watch Attack at a Georgia Little Caesars


A video has gone viral on the internet showing a hard to watch assault at a Little Caesars in Georgia. A woman gets beated, dragged outside, and has her head stomped on the ground all while her child watches. This is hard to see, and disgusting behavior. Now police are on the search for a suspect they believed involved in the bloody beating.

The police were called in at around 4 p.m. Reported as a fight in progress, once they got there the suspect, 25-year-old Brittany Kennedy who is accused of the attack on the fellow Little Caesars customer on Monday leaving the victim bruised and bloodied, and her child tramatized.

The Authorities at the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office said that Kennedy “reportedly confronted the victim, 22-year-old Emily Broadwater, while the two were at the restaurant and yanked a chair out from underneath the victim.” WTF? Why the hell would she do this? She then grabs Broadwater by the hair and repeatedly punches her. The young child immediately runs over and attempts to help her mother as someone screams, “Move the baby! Move the baby!”

To make matters worse the stores employees are seen standing behind the counter observing the beating while other customers rush to get the small child out of harm’s way. After pulling the child from the fracas, employees and bystanders step back and let the attack unfold without as much as even one attempt to stop it! To be honest they should all be arrested. As the attack continued one person opens the door so the suspect could successfully drag the victim out of the store showing that he’s a true gentleman. I mean he opened the door for two ladies! What a winner huh folks?

In the video you can see how she holds her by a handful of hair and stomps on her head no less than two times before leaving the premises. Folks THIS is attempted murder. Broadwater, whose blood can be seen streaming down her face at this point, is able to get to her feet and cries “My baby!” as she heads back toward the Little Caesars.

The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office shared a wanted poster featuring Kennedy’s picture on Tuesday and Little Caesars posted the following statement, “The safety of our crew members and customers is the most important thing to us. In any case where a customer or employee is in danger, we advise our crew members to call the police immediately.”

“I observed that the victim had a swollen and black left eye,” the deputy wrote in the report. “Her bottom lip had a large laceration on the inside and was severely swollen. She had a large knot on her forehead, and multiple cuts on her head, face, and neck. She did not lose consciousness.”

So far it’s unclear what prompted the brutal attack.