Showing posts with label Phil Mendelson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phil Mendelson. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Trayon White Took the 156k Bribe?

Did DC Council Member Trayon White take the money? Well looks like he could be facing possible expulsion vote over federal bribery charge White was arrested for allegedly accepting $156,000 in bribes! 

The allegations come out directly from the FBI who arrested White in August 2024, alleging that he took over $150,000 in bribes to influence the city's contracting. In the photo from court documents shows Trayon White Sr. in the green jacket receiving an envelope containing a payment of $5,000. cash and this is not just all folks. (US Department of Justice) While the trial has yet to begin, the FBI revealed evidence showing White accepting envelopes full of cash from a bureau informant. The city council has voted on White's expulsion today 02/05/2025. And he's a goner. 

"This is quintessential corruption," Council Chairman Phil Mendelson said in a December statement. "There is only one remedy: to remove the corruption from our body. This incident has damaged the public trust necessary for government to function well." Despite the charges and evidence leveled against him, White was re-elected to the city council in November, just three months after his arrest. His federal trial is set to begin in January 2026. He has pleaded not guilty.

"I feel confident that the people of Ward 8 have spoken. I feel like I’m going to win by a landslide but I’m still humbled and prayerful. I hope [it] sends a loud message to the D.C. Council about keeping the decisions in the hands of the people." White told WJLA on Election Day after results made it clear he would win. White's expulsion would require a unanimous vote of the 11 other members of the city council, and public statements from council members don't look good for White.

"Council member White betrayed the trust of his staff, the council, the agencies and, above all, the residents of Ward 8," Council member Kenyan McDuffie, a Democrat, said at a preliminary hearing last week. Mendelson, also a Democrat, echoed McDuffie's skepticism in a statement. 

"The public [has to] have trust in the government, they have to have trust in the legislature, they have to have trust in those who are elected," he said. Other members expressed hope that White would resign before the council is forced to take action.

"I wish he would resign," said Council member Robert C. White Jr., also a Democrat, according to the Washington Post. "If you broke the council rules, and you know you broke the council rules, to put the council through this is something to think about."

Good Riddance to another swamp member... As the saying goes! Another one bites the dust. But I love when the democraps are exposed like this, and now I hope someone exposes Nasty Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and goes after Ilhan Omar and deports her nasty anti American ass back to Somalia.