Showing posts with label Man of Steel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Man of Steel. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2023

OMG Michael Keaton as BATMAN just broke the internet!

OK So this trailer looks incredible! With as much trouble as young Mr Ezra Miller here has been it's no wonder that Michael Keaton has returned to play Batman again and my god does he look fantastic... I literally almost peed myself when he said the line "I'm BATMAN" I think even if they ditch Miller here for sequels this movie is going to be big because Keaton looks better than he ever had before! This is beyond epic looking in trailer alone so I do hope that the hype is worth it. Oh I posted the video and some of the stuff posted about it here but check out their main link below so you can view all the details about this film.

 For the Fastest Man Alive, The Flash has taken an awful long time getting to theaters.

The Flash’s solo film, starring Ezra Miller as DC’s speedy superhero, was initially announced with a release date of March 23, 2018. But its ultimate director, Andy Muschietti, wasn’t even hired until the summer of 2019; at that point the movie was given a release date of July 1, 2022.

Spoiler alert: That didn’t happen. July eventually became November and then November became June of 2023.

Perhaps that was for the best, though, as Miller spent much of 2022 generating headlines due to numerous run-ins with police. (Miller recently pled guilty in a burglary case in Vermont; they announced last August that they had begun treatment for “mental health issues.”) Plus, DC Studios had undergone a complete makeover in the last year, with the company bringing in James Gunn and Peter Safran to work as co-CEOs of the company and to launch a whole new universe of interconnected movies and shows.

That’s left it a little unclear just how The Flash fits in to all of this. Is it the farewell to the old universe, the introduction of the new one, or both? We still don’t really know, but the brand new Super Bowl trailer for the film does show Michael Keaton back as Batman he even says his iconic line. 

The trailer also reveals a good deal of the plot; Barry Allen travels through time and alters reality so that General Zod (Michael Shannon, back from Man of Steel) is still alive, and there are no metahumans to stop him. So he has to team up with Keaton’s Batman and a new Supergirl (to fix things.)

Read More: Michael Keaton’s Batman Returns in ‘The Flash’ Trailer |